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Welcome to The Greenmount Senior Center
[August]: (8/12) - Senior Eat-Out Day {Buffet Lunch} , (8/13) - Free Foot Screening , (8/18) - School Opening & (8/24) - MD State Fair [September]: (9/4) - Senior Day Baseball , (9/7) - Grandparents Day - Health Promotion & (9/26) - Fall Picnic


Trip Info
News Letter
Special Events
Korean Dance
Picture Gallery



노인 센터는 볼티모어 주위에 있는 한국계 노인들과 다른 인종의 노인들에게 친교, 교육, 취미활동, 오락을 제공해오고 있다.

업무는 [월요일에서 금요일까지 이며, 오전 9시에서 오후 5시까지]
The GSC has provided lots of opportunities for Korean-American seniors and other seniors in Baltimore area to have social and educational, recreational and creative activities.
The hours of operation are [ Monday-Friday] between [ 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m]

Special Club.
The image above is a picture of Computer Class
컴퓨터 교실.
Click above to see a larger image of it.

Special Club.
The image above is a picture of the first computer class students
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

1.각종 생활 정보 제공및 알선
Information and Referral Services: Providing information regarding social services and assistance
Special Club.
The image above is a picture of Chorus with Korean traditional clothes.
합창단의 모습
Click above to see a larger image of it.

2.교육 프로그램
Education Service: Providing classes as a continuing education such as English, Computer, U.S. Citizenship, Music, Current Issues, Physical Education, Nutrition, Chorography and lots of fun activities.
영어, 시민권, 컴퓨터, 인터넷, 풍물패, 고전 무용, 붓글씨, 최근 시사, 체육, 스포츠 댄스,건강, 영양 강좌등
Special Club.
The image above is a picture of Korean elders for Poong Mul Pae.
Click above to see a larger image of it.

3.영양 프로그램
Eating Together: Providing daily lunch with a menu of American and Korean food that alternates every two weeks.
한식과 양식을 제공

4.통학 버스
Transportation: Providing daily transportation.

Travel: Providing monthly and two annual fundraising trips.

6. 쇼셜 서비스
Social Services: Providing free services on social services benefits, housing, health insurance, Meals on Wheels and legal issues.
은퇴혜택, 메디케어, 메디케이드, 약값할인 혜택, 노인아파트, 후드스템프, SSI, 데이케어, 양노원, 버스와 택시 할인등

7. 지역 출장 서비스
Outreach Service: Providing assistance to seniors in their own setting by having staff visit them.

8. 노인 취업 프로그램
Senior Aid Program: Providing employment for seniors who are over 55.

9. 강연 서비스
Seminars: Providing lectures regarding retirement, health insurance, and various social services benefits.

10. 뉴스 레터
Newsletter: Providing a monthly newsletter with information about monthly events, schedules, lunch menus, articles, letters, etc.

11. 운동실
Fitness Room: The center has a physical fitness room with various exercise equipments to promote seniors health condition.
Exercise Equipment
The image above is a picture of Fitness Room.
다양한 운동 기구
Click above to see a larger image of it.

12. 건강 협력 서비스
Health Coordinating Service: providing
1) health education and promotion
2) medical needs counseling and
3) appropriate referrals and follow up. The prgram will be coordinated by the Greenmount Senior Center and School of Nursing in Johns Hopkins University and local health services.

Special Club.
The image above is a picture of volunteers from UMAB.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

?001-2003 Greenmount Senior Center. All Rights Are Reserved.

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Address: 425 East Federal Street Baltimore, Md 21202

Telephone: (410)396-3552   Fax: (410)625-0493  