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Welcome to The Greenmount Senior Center
[August]: (8/12) - Senior Eat-Out Day {Buffet Lunch} , (8/13) - Free Foot Screening , (8/18) - School Opening & (8/24) - MD State Fair [September]: (9/4) - Senior Day Baseball , (9/7) - Grandparents Day - Health Promotion & (9/26) - Fall Picnic


Trip Info
News Letter
Special Events
Korean Dance
Picture Gallery


Staff 직원

Here are some of the proud the Greenmount Senior Center staff members who dedicate their lives in order to improve the quality of Korean seniors' life. Most of the staff members have the same email account.
볼티모어 한인 노인 센터의 직원들을 소개합니다. 노인 회원들의 생활 향상을 위하 헌신적으로 일하고 있으며, 같은 이메일 주소로 연락을 주실수 있습니다.

The Staff of Center.
The image above is a picture of The Staff of Center. ¼¾ÅÍÀÇ Á÷¿øµé
Click above to see a larger image of it.

// Staff Members //

Position: Name: Email:
Chairman Young Duk Paik N/A
Executive Director Kimo Eric Nam
Health Coordinator Hye Won Kim
I & A Worker Catherine Park
Building Manager Jeffery Gilliam
English Instructor Hyun Kyung Kim
English Instructor Samantha Leist
English Instructor Won Mook Kim
Physical Education Instructor Dr. Brenda Burley
Music Instructor Young Hee Yoo

// Volunteers //
Volunteers 자원봉사자-- Here are some Greenmount Senior Center's volunteers who work hard to help the programs. You can join our exciting services if you are interested in helping the seniors by emailing us at 노인센터 프로그램을 도우시는 자랑스러운 자원봉사Ᏼ

The Board members
The image above is a picture of The Board members.
노인 센터 이사진
Click above to see a larger image of it.

The Angel of Center: Volunteers.
The image above is a picture of The Angel of Center:Volunteers.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

The Chorography Instructor.
The image above is a picture of the chorography instructor.
붓글씨반의 황흥수 교사 Click above to see a larger image of it.

The image above is a picture of the current issues instructor.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

Current Issues Instructor!
The image above is a picture of an instructor giving a lecture.
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Click above to see a larger image of it. br>
Lunch Ladies!
The image above is a picture of lunch ladies making lunch for the Korean elders.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

The image above is a picture of a receptionist for Greenmount Senior Center.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

The image above is a picture of another receptionist for Greenmount Senior Center.
Click above to see a larger image of it.

Volunteer students-2002, summer
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student volunteer

student volunteer

student volunteer

student volunteer
<The image above is a picture of student volunteers
during the summer vacation in 2002.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

?001-2003 Greenmount Senior Center. All Rights Are Reserved.

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Address: 425 East Federal Street Baltimore, Md 21202

Telephone: (410)396-3552   Fax: (410)625-0493  