Jorge Site
Chat Wrap 12/13/03
Hello again everyone. This is Jay here to help guide along today's online chat with Jorge "God" Julio. We would like to thank Julio Flakes for sponsering our first of many Online Chat's with "God". I am the chat master and my name will be NotQueer14, don't ask because I am not queer. Ok, lets get this started.
NotQueer14: Ok, the forum is now open. You guys may start with your chat.
God: Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to join me here in my first ever online chat.
RodneyB: Jorge, I have watched you for several years now and you are great. Are you gonna be asking for a pay raise soon?
God: First off thanks for the complement. As for the pay raise. Why do I need one? I am GOD!
Aaron1266: Hi Jorge, I am from Houston. Any chance you would want to come play for us?
BloodNinja: You wanna cyber?
God: To be honest Aaron1266, I can't see myself in any other uniform.
God: No Ninja, I don't want to cyber!
Queenbee: I wanna cyber.
NotQueer14: I would like to point out that this is not a cyber-sex place. You guys are talking of fornicating in front of God!
Barteefan: Jorge, I find your story inspiring. You were able to leave the clutches of Canada and escape to your freedom. Any advice for a guy trying move out of his parents basement?
God: Thanks again. I went through some tough times in Canada. As for getting out, you have to work very hard and have good friends in high places. With out a few of my friends, I wouldn't have made it this far. Shout out to my boy Brian F'n Giles.
BloodNinja: Ok, I put on my wizard robe and wizard hat!
God: I have heard this one before. You should take your lame ass cyber and go somewhere else.
NotQueer14: Its ok God, I booted them from the server.
RodneyB: Ok, so you don't want the money. What do you want from Baltimore?
God: What I want I already got. I am playing for a great ball club in the Orioles and I couldn't be any happier.
Llamablaster: Joe here guys, I just recieved an email from a guy named BloodNinja saying that he was unjustly kicked from the server. Is this true?
NotQueer14: Oh, yeah that would be true. He was trying to Cyber with some other person so I booted them.
Llamablaster: Well he wants back in to as some questions so we should let him back in.
NotQueer14: No problem.....
God: Great, Now I have to deal with him again. I should just make him blind or something.
Llamablaster: You remember what happened when you did that to a Mr. Petticote right?
NotQueer14: Dude, that was messed up. I can't believe you actually got those pics.
BloodNinja: Hey guys, sorry about that. Someone bet that I wouldn't have the balls to cyber with "God".
God: Its ok my son, I forgive you.
Nixonfan: <--deleted-->
NotQueer14: Sorry guys...hehehe, no racial remarks.
God: No worries, he is shunned!
Yankeessuck: With all this talk about the O's, have you heard anything about the BoSox. No worries, I am not a Nixon fan.
God: Well no news yet though they are pushing for Foulke. Keep your fingers crossed.
BrianGiles: I can't believe I finally got in here. Hey Jorge, hows it hanging?
God: Oh hey good buddy. Things are good down here in the south.
NotQueer14: Brian, thanks for logging in. Its good to hear from yah again.
BrianGiles: Its all good guys, I love what you have done with the site. So many truths! When are you gonna take off the O's hat and don a Padre's hat. Haha, just kidding.
BloodNinja: I take off my hat and put on my Wizard Hat and Wizard Robe.
Llamablaster: He's gone now.
God: I hate to do this guys but I have a meeting with Javy Lopez and his agent. I will talk to you guys soon.
RodneyB: Thanks for your time.
NotQueer: Ok guys, God has left the room. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you guys are around for the next chat. Stay tuned for the date and time!
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