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Jorge Julio Innocent!!

There has been a disgusting rumor floating around the internet as of late that Jorge Julio is actually the man responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center. It is now know without a doubt that Jorge is innocent of all allegations against him, and in no way played a role in said attack. Jorge extends his deepest condolences, and despite numerous death threats, Jorge has vowed to bring this terrible era to an end. We do however, understand these allegations and do know from whence they came.

Definitely NOT Jorge Julio

First off, Bin Laden has declared Jihad (or Holy War) on the United States, which he believes to be the embodiment of Western corruption and the incarnation of apostasy. A Jihad, in short, is a war declared because one side believes it to be God's will. What many people on this 'internet' fail to realize, is that the God being referenced in the terms of this Jihad is NOT, and I repeat NOT, the same God as Julio. Whereas their God is a lame, retarded God, Julio is a wonderful, joy-bringing God. Also, the discovery of the picture to the left at ground zero had sparked a lot of theories about Julio's involvement. I know it's hard to believe but that picture is completely false. That's right, believe it or not, that picture is 100% doctored. We don't know how it was done, or by whom, but when we find out, you can believe that this person will be dealt swift and merciless justice, Jorge style. Fear your GOD!! Fear JULIO!!

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