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The Mysterious Mr. K

He is a man of great power and mystery, and his power is only exceeded by his mystery.

Early on at the origin of the Jorge Julio phenomenon, there was no web site to which people could turn for all their Julio needs. Jay, in his own quest for Julio enlightenment, had the will, but not the experience to make such a thing work.

Enter Mr. K.

It is believed that Mr. K forged the Julio web site from mythril in a forge at the center of the Earth. That or front page.

One way or another, when K was done, the site was the same beautiful Julio site that we all know and love today.

Soon after it's debut, Mr. K disappeared back to wherever it is from which he came. To this day, little is known of this mysterious figure. "The weirdest part," said Jay, "is that he was all black with that question mark on him. That always freaked me out."

Speculation abounds as to whether Mr. K was a person, an agent of Julio, or perhaps even a plot of the nefarious Nixon's gone horribly awry! One way or another, if it weren't for Mr. K, there'd be no Julio web site.

It remains to be seen whether or not we'll ever hear from him again.


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on this site is FAKE!!
All information copyright Jorge Julio Enterprises, 2001    

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