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Julio site calls out Rob Neyer!

Blatantly jealous of the Daryle Ward sites interaction with ESPN cool guy Jerry Crasnick, the staff of the Julio site have laid out a challenge to fellow ESPN writer Rob Neyer!

I wonder if he's as cool as Crasnick?

The Julio site: shamelessly trying for hits since 2002.

"They just called out Crasnick and he responded," said Joe of the Julio site, "I didn't know it worked like that! It's like pro wrestling!"

Seeing an article stating that the Orioles are "minimally improved... if that," the Julio site felt it would be prudent to call out Mr. Neyer and ask why he didn't take Jorge Julio into account in his assessment.

"I know that we had Julio last year and all," said Jay also of the Julio site, "but the longer we have Julio the better he'll be. He was already God... how is an improving God not a huge upgrade?"

When questioned about the Rob Neyer call out, a representative of the Daryle Ward site had this to say... "Rob Neyer? More like Rob GAYER! And Jorge Julio? More like Moregay Foolio!" After dissing Julio we assume the man resumed his normal activities of spitting up onto his diaper and swinging a cat around by it's tail. No sane members of the Ward site were available for comment.

"This could be huge for the Julio site," said Joe, beaming. "I'm glad we had this completely original idea to call out a sports writer!"

Will Rob Neyer answer the call? Will the Daryle Ward site sue?? Is Jerry Crasnick the coolest writer around??? Most likely not, I doubt it, and probably.

More on this story as it becomes available.


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