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The gallery is currently experiencing a new layout which provides more information than the previous one. I'll get the pictures up as soon as I can
P.S. I'm my own toughest critic, so if I don't like it doesn't mean that you can like it.
Colored Art
Tiltle:"Double Emilio" (undecided)
Date Created: August 20, 2002
Date Colored: September 8, 2002
Size: 266 KB
Appeared In: Psychic Force OVA (anime), Psychic Force (game), Psychic Force 2/Psychic Force 2012(game)
Notes: This was one of my first experiments using Jasc Paint Shop Pro v.7; I think it turned out a little nicer than markers, pencils, etc. would have been for this particular mood. At first glance, some say it looks like he has two heads; let me clear this up: on the right is his younger side, approx. 11 years old or so; he still had a very fragile personality and was very shy. On the left is his older self, around 16 years. He is more psychotic at this time and loves destruction; that is why he is in shadows. In the background are his wings; in the game and anime he is what they call a Psychiccer, and has the power of light and is an angel...
Title: "Wendy"
Date Created: November 1, 2002
Date Colored: November 1, 2002
Size: 234 KB
Appeared In: Psychic Force OVA (anime), Psychic Force (game), Psychic Force 2/Psychic Force 2012(game)
Notes: This isn't one of my favorite ones..her eyes look weird to me and her legs are too chunky. Her hair is a little more detailed than I would have liked, but other than that it's ok (one of my better colored pencil jobs). She is also a Psychiccer and has the power of wind; she is Emilio's closest friend.
Title: "Ceres"
Date Created: December 5, 2002
Date Colored: December 5, 2002
Size: 38.1 KB
Appeared In: N/A; original
Notes: Another character I created for an online RPG having to deal with gods and goddesses. Ceres is the Roman name for the goddess of agriculture and the protectoress of women; she is also called "Mother Earth". In Greek mythology, she is Demeter. I don't know what they had her look like, so I took into account my own artistic abilities and drew her the way I liked ;).
Title: "Sitting Cat Girl" (colored)
Date Created: October 26, 2002
Date Colored: January 1, 2003
Size: 103 KB
Appeared In: N/A; original
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