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Silver Anime
Attention! The owner of this page now has a new one, much more organized and better than the first! Please go here: Seraphim Connection
Thank you! *bows* -Steph
January 13, 2003: I've made a new layout; now if I could only get it to work the way I want...Click here to see it
December 29, 2002: The holidays and traveling have really eaten up my time, but I finally got Jasc Paint Shop Pro v.7 for Christmas and I'm hoping to make a new layout for the whole website, as well as more pictures colored CG style.
December 5, 2002: Today's snow day allowed for me to work on the website a lot; I've spilt the gallery into 2 pages so far, one for each catagory--it'll will hopefully cut down on the loading time for everyone, and it's much more organized.
December 2-3, 2002: Developed a new layout for gallery; deciding whether or not to split it up into different pages. For thoughts on this, click the email button on the side. I am open to any suggestions, and like I said earlier, I am accepting artwork to post up in the gallery via email; please put your name along with the email so I can give recognition to the artist. If you want to add your own comments/notes for it, you're free to do so.
November 16, 2002: I am now accepting picture submissions via email..please, not too big.
November 9, 2002: I added to the "Anime" section, by saying what animes I currently own...hope to get more soon and post them up. Also, the counter and clock's host (where I got them from) is currently down, but service should be up and running in no time; at least, that's what they said..
October 26, 2002: And a week later I come back on..lol, I was,, occupied ^^0, so I didn't get anything done..sorries! I drew new pictures, so I'll put them up.
October 19, 2002: Added some pictures in the gallery, and I'm trying to figure out how to make a new window open when you click the picture; if you know how, please email me with "Picture Link" in the subject line.
October 18, 2002: Added a link for email, and little bits and pieces, such as a counter and clock.
October 17, 2002: Made the link for "Gallery" work, but still need to upload images. Also added a Guestbook.
October 16, 2002: Added a little bio about myself; it's in the "Webmistress" section.
October 15, 2002: Please be patient--website in progress.
Vistors since October 18, 2002
Time is -5 GMT zone--East Coast of the USA