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Find The Islands in Terengganu

Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Redang
Pulau Kapas
Lang Tengah, Bidong & Tenggol
Places To Stay

Located in the clear waters of the South
China Sea, Terengganu's many unspoilt
islands are the meeting points of diving
and snorkelling enthusiasts and
conservationists. Marine parks are
centred on the main islands of Perhentian,
Redang, Kapas, Tenggol and
Lang Tengah.

Wondrous tales of stupendous coral
gardens filled with corals both hard and
soft - needle, foloise and gargonian in the
shallower regions - along with a captivating
variety of fascinating tropical fish and urchins

Marvel at the home to barracudas, mantas,
common rays, sail fish, whale sharks and
garoupas. Moving down to the sea bed,
sea slugs, sea harps, lobsters, tiger cowries
and helmet shells can be found.

For a place to lodge - from indulgent
resorts to the bare essentials in chalet
accommodation, discerning and laid-back
travellers alike have a diverse range of
accommodation for the picking.

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