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My Gillian Anderson's Land

Surfing around the web I noticed tons of sites dedicated to *our girl* from our favorite show "The X-Files". So instead of mixing them with my best of The X-Files page I decided to give her a page of her own! They really didn't belong there anyway! These sites are filled with tons of pics, bio, sounds and other neat stuff. I really enjoyed putting together my own little shrine to *our girl*!
*My! How possesive we fans can be!*
Now sit back, eyes glued to the screen, relax and enjoy the sites.

The Best of Gillian Anderson's Sites

Eye on Gillian Anderson

GA - Smart is Sexy

Gillian Anderson Video Vault

Gillian Anderson Xposed

Gillian Anderson Web Site

Gillian FOREVER!

Gillian OnLine

Jenn a's Gillian Anderson Page

Order of the Blessed St. Scully...

Philes Against Scully Torture

The Best of Gillian Anderson

The Desk for Dana Fund

The Genuine Admirers Of GA

The Shrine of St. Scully

The Wonderful World of GA

More sites to be added to *GAL* soon!

To My Favorite X-Files Links

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To The X-Files Links

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Last updated 8-7-99
Page created 10-10-98

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