Other pages |
Medical herbs: |
A dictionary (A-Y) |
Terms, books and links |
Gaulish: |
The Gaulish - English dictionary (A-W) |
Comments on the Gaulish dictionary |
The Gaulish - English dictionary (grammar) |
Background: |
Findings and news about Bronze and Iron Age items |
De bello gallico / Gallic wars by Julius Caesar,
Books 1 - 8 (58 - 50 B.C.E.) |
The Calendar of Coligny |
The skinning of a hare in the bronze age |
Images of Northeastern Gaul near Alésia
(2 sites) |
Technical: |
Reports on bronze smelting - evaluation 1997 and 1998 |
The British Bronze Age - Metallurgy |
A report about bronzecasting |
A report about bronzecasting in 1998 |