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Life As Me

(That's me up there)

        Well, hi there!  Glad you could make it!  This should be a good time.  Not sure what to expect?  Well, me neither, I'm flying by the seat of pants with this.  No plans, just going with whatever inspires me.  I suppose since this is my site and the title is "Life As Me" you can expect some info on me and what makes my world go 'round.  I've met some incredible people throughout the years, especially this past year, so you can definitely anticipate a few stories about them.  Let's take that and run with it...

"Go ahead, you can laugh all you want...I've got my philosophy"

    Sometimes things go bad in life...sometimes things are so bad you feel like they can't get any worse and will probably never get better.  And so some people choose to bitch and moan to anyone who will listen about every little aspect of their lives that makes continuing their existence an excruciating effort.  I'm not sure why people do this.  Perhaps because they think that by vocalizing their troubles and constantly reminding themselves and everyone one around them that life isn't all daisies and sunshine, they might feel better, which seems like pretty backwards logic to me.  What makes more sense to me is to do what you can to fix your issues and move on.  I don't understand the whole "dwelling on my sadness" bit.  God has blessed each and everyone of us with so many wonderful things that too many people take for granted too often and I find that rather upsetting.  I mean, I'll be honest, it's not like I never complain and sometimes I do feel like the world is out to get me.  But I think that for the most part, I'm a pretty positive and grateful being.  There are those who grumble when they have to walk in the rain to get to their car.  They don't stop to think about the people sitting on the corner who have no way to escape the rain that beats upon them.  Sure, a lot of under-privileged people get themselves in that situation,  but I don't think that makes them any less deserving of compassion. 

    I remember once when my sister was feeling down, like nothing was really going right and I attempted to lift her spirits by reminding her of all the gifts she'd been given: a loving family, a working vehicle, a place of employment, and so on.  She said those things didn't really count, because everybody had them.  But really, everyone doesn't have them.  How many children cry at night because Daddy sends them to bed with a smack across the face instead of an embrace?  And what's the unemployment rate these days?  Sure, it might be low, but it's still there isn't it?  It's the little things in life, the ones that almost everyone takes for granted,  that I try to remember when the world seems to have turned its back on me.  It's so much more gratifying to be thankful for all that you have than to constantly be unsatisfied.  Life's not always cushy, but seriously, if you're reading this right now, you can't be that bad off. 

    So that's my philosophy...Life can be rough, but it could be so much worse.  Focus on the positive; the negative will take care of itself.  

Oh, by the by, feel free to drop me a line, or check out my other website (it's a little outdated, but still fun!) 

Moving right along...

My So-Called-Mystery                My Chick Peeps            Get the Picture?

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