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These are the people that make life worth living...

The Family:

Ah...the beloved fam.  They truly are a remarkable group.  The 'rents have been together for 27 years and I can't say that I've ever doubted that they'll be together for many more.  Gerry (that's my Pop) is truly one of a kind (well, besides his four brothers).  He's stubborn, but that's just because he's usually right.  He can fix just about anything with an engine (a gift which I clearly did not inherit...I don't even know what a transmission looks like) and never hesitates to help someone out with a mechanical problem.  He has an unlimited supply of cheesy comebacks and dorky jokes which he returns to again and again ("We know you're full but did you have enough to eat?" is the one I hear the most).  I would compare him to an M&M...he seems to have a hard outer shell, but he's really just a sweet ol' softy inside.  Joyce (that's Mum of course) is the perfect companion for him.  She also never tires of bad puns and is too generous to say no to anyone requesting her aid.  I can't recall a single question of mine that she hasn't been able to answer.  Sure, she's not always right, and sometimes her responses are just guesses, but she's never left an inquiry of mine go unanswered.  And she gets a lot of those from me, so I find that pretty impressive.

On to my three dear sisters.  Together, we can be a bit overwhelming for the average person to handle.  We get along so well because we don't see each other much (who wants to spend the few days out of the year when we're all together fighting?).  Each one of my sisters had her own special little spark that stands out to me.  Crystal...she's the random pioneer of the group.  Being the oldest, everything was tried out on her first.  She was the first to move out, the first to leave the state, and the first to get married.  She changes jobs to suit her fancy but I don't worry to much about that because she seems to be able to afford plenty of toys for her children--and by children I mean two cats.   Terrie is the calm, rational one.  She's aspired to be a high school English teacher...she actually wants to work with Freshman--now that really takes a special kind of person.  I refer to her boyfriend as my brother-in-law because they've been together since the dawn of time it seems.  Rose...oh how to describe her.  Rose is Rose.  She's my best friend and so much like me in her ways of thinking it can be scary.  She's a riot when she's in a good mood and, well, I avoid her when she's having an off day.  She's one of the best listeners I've ever encountered (so many people just want to talk about themselves) and is surprisingly wise for her 20 years.  When I think of the four of us as old ladies, all that comes to mind is "Golden Girls."

The Friends:

I think my friends are can best be subdivided into 3 groups, High School friends, TSU friends, and Steak 'N Shake friends.  Some people fall into more than one of these categories, but you get the idea.

High School Friends:

These are the friends that I went through some of the hardest times with: my teenage years.  They are the ones I turn to for excitement when I come home and the ones who check in with me every couple weeks or so when I'm away at school.  These are the people who I reminisce with; we remember the simpler days of high school, when all that mattered was where the party was going to be at when the weekend came and how to get by with the least amount of work at school.  These are the people who helped me sneak in and out of the house during Junior/Senior Rival week, who comforted me when I cried over my dumb mistakes with dumb boys, who would never let me forget anything I did on the weekend, and who bonded with me when the Seniors were left virtually on our own at the Academy of Higher Learning.  Now, I go to their weddings and their baby showers and embrace them with my arms and my heart, thanking them for all the memories.

Truman Friends:

These are the friends I've made during my first year at Truman State University.  I am in awe of nearly each and every one.  They have a certain multi-dimensionality about them that many people from my hometown lack.  They came to Truman because they wanted a good education and they became my friends because they could have fun at the same time.  These are the people I talk with online, even though they live two floors away, who make me tell them what happened on the weekend and then laugh at me and let it go, who gave me a shoulder and sympathetic ear when my long distance relationship stopped working, who give me hugs because they're so excited to see me (even though it's only been a few hours since they saw me last) and who take care of my when I party a little too hard.  Now, I miss them when I'm at home and drive hours just to spend a few hours with them.  These are the friends I hold dearest.

Steak 'N Shake Friends:

These are the friends that I work with.  They've come and gone over the 3 years that I've been employed at Steak 'N Shake, but the really good ones I've held on to despite their departure from S'nS (Ryan, Joshlyn, and Kimmy to name a few).  They come in all varieties, from the high school junior who just needs a part time job to keep the 'rents happy to the 20 year old mother who works overtime to support herself and her child.  These are the people who I yell at to bus their tables and then joke with after the rush, who don't take me seriously when I get mad because they know I don't mean it personally, who circulate rumors about coworkers within a matter of hours, who come to me with problems pertaining to food or college preparation, and who I bond with over silverware rolling in the break room.  Now, I make special trips to Wentzville just to see them when I'm home and fill them in on my life over ice cream and cheese fries. 

The Boyfriend:

The one, the only Craig Hermann.  He amazes me every day and in every way.  He lived right next door to me in Ryle Hall for our entire freshman year.  We were super close friends all of first semester...he entertained me when I didn't want to study, listened to me cry over a relationship that was doomed from the start, and always caught me when I jumped on his back for a piggy-back ride.  He worried about me when I stayed out late partying and made me cry when he pointed out my shortcomings in life.  He forced me to see the mistakes I was making, even when I pushed him away and refused to listen.  For the longest time, I saw him only through platonic eyes, either because that's how my heart felt or because I was just afraid; I'm not really sure.  Somebody was looking out for me though and I was left with constant thoughts of him when he was away and a feeling that life wouldn't be half as much fun without him.  It took some time to realize what all that meant, but before too long I figured out that I needed to see if Craig and I would work as more than just friends.  And I thank God for that revelation every day.  Being with Craig has been like a journey through a world full of wonderful and exciting discoveries around every corner (oh my gosh was that ever cheesy).  His easy-going but fun way of approaching life brightens my day and he never fails to make me laugh during each and every conversation.  I thought I was happy in previous relationships, but those were nothing compared to this.  I think Greg put it best when he said that the sight of Craig makes me instantly smile and I seem to be at peace.  I feel like the luckiest person in the world because I have him, not just because he makes me feel amazing, but because he is amazing.  When I count my blessings, I count my Craig twice. 

Everyone Else:

I may be only 19 years old, but I've met a lot of people in my life.  Nearly every one of them has brought a new idea or inspiration to me.  They've made me consider something I'd never thought of before, encouraged me to look at old issues with a new perspective, or just opened my eyes to the variety of personalities in the world.  They've helped me determine who I want to be...and who I want to avoid becoming.  These are the public speakers I've heard, the friends who remained in my life for a short amount of time for one reason or another, the customers I've waited on who took the time to realize I was a person, not just a waitress, the friends of friends who I met once or twice, the online junkies I met in chat rooms when I was 12 and excited at the ability to talk to someone who lived thousands of miles away, the strangers in random stores and on random streets who didn't notice me watching or listening, and so     many others who may or may not remember me.  Who they are is not so important as how they touched me.  Most wouldn't consider them "friends" but they've all meant something to me and helped create the person that I am...I thought it only proper to make a slight mention of them. 


Life As Me        My So-Called-Mystery        Get the Picture?