h  r  a  k  a  -  r  o  o   
                                                                    (   W  a  t  e  r  s  h  i  p     D  o  w  n   )  

"Prince with a
Thousand Enemies"


No, there's no character "Hraka-roo" in Watership Down... But there's an extensive "Lapine" language in the novel, complete with glossary. So it was easy to mix and match words to create a fitting name for our own pet rabbit:

     hraka : droppings, excreta

       -roo  : diminutive suffix

In other words Hraka-roo literally means "Little Shit" (affectionately, of course). A perfect moniker for our little black fuzzball who was also known as "Pellet-head":

"talking" to me in my sleep  


Anyway, this should by no means be construed
as a trivialization of the actual novel... It's a great
and moving story, as much about human nature (or
more so) as it is simply about rabbits.

Absolutely one of my all-time favorites.


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