b   o   o   k   s 
        t  h  e     s  h  o  r  t     l  i  s  t  s   

These lists are not hard and fast; they are subject to change,
    modification, memory, and mood swings... The main idea is simply to
    quickly identify and categorize most of the better books I've ever
    encountered. (The "short List" concept means simply 3 or 4 items
    per category)


  most re-read
  most influential 
(Frank Herbert)
One of my all-time favorites. Reread this countless times, and will doubtless read it again. Lines from this book run through my head at odd times.
Manufacturing Consent
(Noam Chomsky)
Brilliant book which will forever warp you regarding America's "free" press. (And/or cause you to roll your eyes whenever someone says "liberal media"...)
The Robe
(Lloyd Douglas)
I reread parts of this, anyway, over and over. (Especially the part when he begins a new life on the road, then in Arpino... Lifts my spirits like nothing else.)
How To Think About Weird Things (Schick & Vaughn)
If you only ever read one book on critical thinking/applied reason, let it be this one. A shame this isn't required reading for all high school students. More...
The Deep
(Peter Benchley)
This may have run its course, but I probably reread it a dozen times in my teens and twenties. I was absolutely enamored both with the sea and with Bermuda. (Movie was terrible, though.)
The Power of Myth
(Joseph Campbell)
This is a great book, but it's listed here primarily because it's the only book I've ever had to throw down due to my offended sensibilities!
Watership Down
(Richard Adams)
Another all-time favorite. Epic story with a permanent presence in my psyche. Also, because of this book we named our real-life rabbit 'Hraka-roo'... More...
Atlas Shrugged
(Ayn Rand)
"Who is John Gault?" Relax, I'm not a Randoid!  I read this at 21 and wow did it inspire me. So it's listed here because of the profound effect it had on my early adulthood worldview. (I got better!)

                             Click on any cover for larger view

        favorite authors 
        best lines 

      Tom Robbins

      Pat Conroy

      Saul Bellow

      Philip Roth


       She sat by the pawl-post . . . laughing with
          trembling lips and crying with dancing eyes. 
            --Captains Courageous (Rudyard Kipling)

       The President of the Galaxy had arrived. "Hi,"
          he said.      --Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
                                              (Douglas Adams)

     "[being from South Carolina] I think they listen
          to the waves. I think they just love beach music."
                                  --Beach Music (Pat Conroy)

       I knew my burden would not be lacking genius,
          but being fully aware of it.
                          --The Prince of Tides (Pat Conroy)

        best words  

    --Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn
                    (Mark Twain)

--Stranger in a Strange Land
                   (Robert A. Heinlein)

    --Watership Down
                   (Richard Adams)

--Lake Wobegon Days
                    (Garrison Keillor)

Go to Short Lists Page 2



