h o w   t o   t h i n k   a b o u t
        w  e  i  r  d      t  h  i  n  g  s 

I just
simply cannot give this book a strong
    enough endorsement. But, I can and should mention
    that there are some close seconds:
.   close seconds...
How We Know What Isn't So
(Thomas Gilovich)

This book deals more with the psychology behind the mistakes commonly made in human reasoning (due to certain biases, superstition, etc) . . . How and why we come to believe certain things even if untrue, by applying memory selectively and otherwise skewing factual data.

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(  m o r e   t o   c o m e   -  t h i s    p a g e    s t i l l    i n    p r o g r e s s )

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