o t h e r    P a u l    F i d l e r s  


These guys are NOT me... I mention these other Paul Fidlers primarily because they were all on the Web before the creation of paulfidler.com - I was simply the first to register that domain. So, as a tip of the hat to them, allow me to present the following well-named dudes....





     CUED Home Page - Paul Fidler


    Paul Fidler - Magician in Las Vegas




       (Mentioned in 10th paragraph of article...) Coincidental thing
       about this Paul Fidler is that he lived in
Columbia during
       the same time I did - and Columbia is NOT a large city! (By
San Diego, with a population well over a million, is
       over three times the size of Columbia, yet I'm the only
       Paul Fidler in the book. Anyway, at the time, this guy had
       been the postmaster at the branch adjacent to
Columbia Metropolitan Airport.) Never met him though
       (and we're not related).


    Paul Fidler
       Character in the John Brunner novel Quicksand... I started
       reading this book just for the novelty of sharing a name
       with the protagonist in a story! And several times I became
       engrossed in the story enough to forget why I was
       reading it . . . only to be startled when my own name
       was suddenly there on the page! Anyway, haven't finished it
       yet... My understanding is this isn't considered to be one
       of John Brunner's better works.


    Larry Paul Fidler
       California Superior Court Judge in Los Angeles (mentioned in
       first line of article). Makes the news a lot. Even here in
San Diego I see mention of him from time to time.


    LTJG Paul Fidler


    Rev. Paul Fidler
         (see 2nd paragraph of article)


    Paul Fidler (my dad)


    Paul Fidler Awards
awards named after my dad


Fidler Genealogy
      (i.e. ours, not applicable to most of the names mentioned above)




