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Friends Page 3

FrIeNdS Page 3

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reese ~~ Well hun we have gotten really close the last few days. heh we were up till 4 am talking. We asked eachother questions untill 4 am! heh and then we wondered why we ran out of things to ask? *L* Well we will stay -=Friends Forever=- or more Well what can i say. Your such a sweet kinda beautifull person. There is going to be a guy out there who is very lucky. I know i feel lucky just being your friend. Well hun i know this isnt the best but i plan on changeing this later. Love You Always, -=Douglas=-

Lindsey ~~ Allthough we have been fighting for the last few weeks. But i'm really really glad we are cool again. And i'm sorry for all i have done but i guess now its to late to try and fix that or say i'm sorry. We are going to be -=Friends Forever=- And i meant what i said, if you need the help please just ask. I"m going to be there for you when you don't want me to be there and when you need someone to talk to and just when you need me. I'm sorry you lost your trust in me, i guess hopefully some day i might gain that back. But who knows. I'm sorry bout all the problems and hell i caused you, just like you said i was putting ppl through hell. I'm sorry, i cant change the past but i sure can change the future. Just so you know i'm going to miss you so much after April 1st. I'm sure many do not think i'm gonna go along with it but i am. Well Lindsey this is all i can say for now. (the reason your on this page is b/c i cant edit my Friends page 1 or you would be on that page. ) Well Love always, Douglas

kat ~~ Hiya hun, thanks for being the friend you are! and happy 15th birthday!!! *hugs* *kiss on the cheak* We became friends fast. I wish you and Rage the best of luck together and i hope you guys are together forever. He has a great girl thats for sure. Well hun i have to go but whatever ya do dont change :P. *Love ya*

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