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A Bad Show

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Let's say you have set-up for a one day show, you know you will sell great.  This show is said to have great crowds. The show opens at 10:00am, you see a few people walking around, but no one is buying.  Or worst yet it starts to rain!! Hard!!  By 3:00 you are ready to leave, you are miserable and just want out of this show.  Are you going to pack up and leave early....NO YOU ARE NOT!!!

Leaving a show early (unless the promoter allows everyone to leave) is very unprofessional. Why? First it makes you look bad in the eyes of other crafters.  And believe it or not, they can help your business.  They can tell you what are good shows or bad, good promoters, areas to stay away from, cheap clean hotels etc.  But, if you up and leave because of a bad show, they won't help you at all.  Let's say they recommend you to a promoter and you up and leave early, you just made them look bad!

Second, If you haven't made much money why not stay and maybe make a sale or two.  You already paid for the spot, use it to your advantage!  Stay and sell to the few people that came.  If it is raining and people have come and you are leaving, they won't be able to buy from you! 

Third: If this is normally a good show but the weather or other local event has taken the crowd down and you leave, you will NEVER be invited back!!  I have talked to promoters about this and it is on their top ten list of things crafters do that drives them crazy!!  Now, if a promoter has not advertised the show, and hasn't done his/her job to draw people in, them tell them about your disappointment and suggest things they could do to help the show.

There are few exceptions for leaving a show, death of a loved one, your death, illness (you or loved one), nuclear bomb (and I don't mean baby diapers), end of the world, and life as we know it!! If you must leave the show talk to the promoter, they are understanding if there is a good reason, I am wet and tired is not one of them!

Happy Soaping!
Carol Kapochus
Carol's Scents'N'Soaps