This week I would like to talk about the chairs we use at craft shows. I can just see the puzzled looks, the "What's??" escaping from your mouths. But, the chairs we use benefit us at the shows. First we want to use chairs that give support for the back, are comfortable to sit in and are the right height. Now, I know we all start out with folding chairs from home. For the first shows this is the way to go. But, they do not give enough support to the back, unless they have a full back. If you develop a back ache during the show, this will start to show on you, by body language, facial expressions. People respond to all of this. Besides, craft shows are hard work to begin with, we should try anything we can to avoid pain as much as possible!! If you use a folding chair, try strapping a bed pillow to the back of it. One less back ache before breaking down!! As convenient as folding chairs are, they are not the most desirable for craft shows. Especially if you are going to continue to do shows as the major way to sell your wares. The one most "full time" craft show "vendors" use is a folding tall directors chair (bar stool height). These fold up easy and are easy to clean. They give some support to the back (some crafters to complain that it's not enough support, but this can be worked with) and it is the best height for selling at shows. What does height have to do with it?? The bar stool height allows your legs to "hang" down and take stress off the lower back. It has arms rest, so the shoulders get a rest. And it is the perfect height for talking to customers. Sitting low in regular chairs doesn't make it easy for you or the customer to talk eye to eye. Let me explain this a little bit. Our customers are buying products from us, they like the product, but what they really like is taking home something an artist made (we are soap artist). And there is a level of trust that must be made, talking and explaining our process face to face starts the building of this trust. So, in sales terms, eyeball to eyeball is the way to go! So, if you have a bar stool height chair at a show, you can start talking to the customer eye, to eye before you even get up from your chair! This also makes you very visible for answering questions and just saying "hello." Now here in PA these run $69.00 at Pier One stores, but can be found at yard sale sometimes. Only buy this chair if you have decided you are going to sell through craft shows. When I started doing two shows a month, I bought my chair. There are more expensive chairs that have side tables and such. These can be found in Crafts Report and Sunshine Artist magazines. Happy Crafting, |