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Show Spreadsheet

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Do you really know how much money you are making at craft shows?  Are the booth expenses cutting into your profit?  Is it time to raise your prices?  Will you have enough money to cover booth fees for Spring craft shows?

Even if you are a seasoned crafter or a beginner, these questions need to be answered.  And the computer can help.

I am going to start by saying there are programs you can purchase to help you answer all these questions.  These can be found in Sunshine Artist and Craft Report magazines.  But, I sat down and made up a spread sheet for what I needed.  This will give you all the information at a glance on every show you do.  Most computers come with a Microsoft works (my spreadsheet is in this) or other business documents.  If you do not have a spread sheet program you can still do this by using the headers below and filling it in.

Here is how I set mine up:

Show Name Location Promoter Promoter Address Promoter Number
Clay Fest Harrisburg Art League 9997 Darling Lane 717-222-2222


Accepted Jury Fee Booth Fee Hotel & Cost Parking Fee Gas/Tolls
Yes $25.00 $175.00 Hilton, $175.00 Free $20.00

Here you have all the info about a show, the promoter, fees, hotel cost, parking fee and gas. I fill this out for every show I enter, whether I get in or not. This helps you keep in mind all the cost for doing this show. (all the above show info is presentation use only and is not based on any show). 

Now you are accepted, The sheet above shows that you need to make back $395. just to break even.  Now, I did not add food to this because most of us bring our own food from home, BUT if you go out to eat add this to your UPFRONT COST for the show. 

REMEMBER to keep all your receipts for hotel, booth fee, tolls, gas, parking, anything that you pay out to go to a show!

Ok, next part:

Sales Totals Total # of Sales Profit from Sales Best Sellers
$1345.00 775 $575.00 Rosemary soap, salts

As you can see, sales were good.  We had many customers (hope you  got mailing list addresses) but our profit $575.  What a lot of crafters forget to do when pricing products, is to add in the upfront expenses of the shows.  A few pennies on each item will add up and will allow you to have the money you need to expand and grow as a business.  

Best sellers.  Very important.  Now, you may sell rosemary soap like hot cakes in Harrisburg, but in Media they want floral scents.  Salts may sell on Sunday but not on Saturday.  I also add columns for all products and just but in how many of each sells. (These numbers are taken right from your sales receipts)  This allows me to be more prepared next year.  Add a comments line.  This will allow you to write down your thoughts about the show, customers, promoter anything.   Other sections you can add: sale tax, cost per item sold, car expenses etc.

This should all be done as quickly after the show as possible.  Numbers are numbers and can't change but comments can change over time.  Phone orders can be added to this as they come in if you like.

Next time I will show you my Cost Sheet.  This breaks down all expenses for what items you make and this information can be put into the Show Spreadsheet.

Once this "paper work" is done, it is very simple to fill out.  Half of it is filled in when you apply for the show.  But, the information you gain from this is invaluable.

Happy crafting
Carol Kapochus
Carol's Scents'N'Soaps