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Liberty Institute's Centenary Tribute
(1899 - 1999)

Friedrich A. Hayek: A Centenary Tribute

Friedrich A. von Hayek

(Born: May 8, 1899 - Died: March 23, 1992)

While the world is celebrating the birth centenary of F. A. von Hayek, one of the greatest champions of liberty, the next century could well belong to him. Let us hope that the intellectual tide in favour of Hayek will become a tidal wave in the next millenium. Hayek's Road to Serfdom may actually help pave the road to freedom for all of us.

Hayek: A Centenary that may hold the key for the next century
Barun Mitra pays tribute to Hayek, and stresses his continued relevance in the next millennium.

The man who changed everyone's life: The ubiquitous ideas of F. A. Hayek by Brian Crowley, published in the Next City, a national magazine in Canada.

The Legacy of Hayek, by Barun Mitra
An op-ed on the occasion of  Hayek's birth centenary was published in The Economic Times, on 8 May 1999.

Philosopher of Freedom
An editorial on the occasion of Hayek's birth centenary was published in The Economic Times, on 8 May 1999.

Life of Hayek: A brief chronology

List of Books by Hayek

A Selection of Titles on Hayek and his Ideas
Links to Web Sites of Interest on Hayek 
Hayek Scholars' Page This is a treasure house that has links to almost everything on Hayek on the internet.

The Idea Channel It has a wide collection of videos where Hayek and many other advocates of liberty discuss a variety of issues. (The picture of Hayek at the top of this page is courtsey The Idea Channel.)

Quotations from Hayek This has a wide collection of quotations from Hayek grouped under a range of topics.

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