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ICCS Home Page
ICCS Conference at Seattle, Ensuring Open Trade for Global Prosperity, Monday, 29 November 1999.

ICCS General Information

ICCS List of Members

International Consumers for Civil Society

General Information

Programme Activities

International Consumers for Civil Society has been formed as an international umbrella group of market-oriented organizations located in different countries. Coalition members will participate as NGOs in international negotiations and meetings on policies that would have a significant impact on consumers.

International Consumers for Civil Society will emphasize the benefits of market economies for consumers world-wide. It will seize the high ground by showing, for example, that policies to restrict economic growth or technological advances such as biotechnology can have a devastating impact in developing countries.


The mission of the ICCS is: (1) to promote on an international basis a market-oriented view on consumer policy issues through representing non-profit organizations that support the premise that consumer choice and competition best advance consumers' interests; and (2) to act as a clearinghouse for the exchange of information and ideas about market solutions to consumer concerns.

The aim of International Consumers for Civil Society is to leverage individual groups' work in the international arena on policy issues relating to consumers, promote proposals that rely on private rather than government solutions to consumer concerns, and counter proposals that would restrict consumer choice, competition, and advances in technology and would negatively affect the poor, especially those in developing countries.


The following principles will guide the activities of the international group:

Program Activities:

The international organization will provide the members with representation in international bodies' deliberations and the opportunity for better information exchange -- joining resources, time, and man-power in the work on specific issues.

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ICCS List of Members

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