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ICCS Home Page
ICCS Conference at Seattle, Ensuring Open Trade for Global Prosperity, Monday, 29 November 1999.

ICCS General Information

ICCS List of Members 

International Consumers for Civil Society -- Charter Members 

Frances B. Smith, Consumer Alert, Washington, DC, USA.

Fred L. Smith Jr., Competitive Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, USA.

Terrence Scanlon, Capital Research Center, Washington, DC, USA.

Barun S. Mitra, Liberty Institute, New Delhi, India.

Roger Bate, European Science and Environment Forum, Cambridge, UK.

Dr. Parth J. Shah, Center for Civil Society, New Delhi, India.

John Berthoud, National Taxpayers Union, Washington, DC, USA.

David Ridenour, The National Center for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC, USA.

Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center, Washington, DC, USA.

Sung-Noy Choi, The Korea Center for Free Enterprise, Seoul, South Korea.

John F. Frydenlund, Center for International Food & Agriculture Policy, Citizens Against Government Waste, Washington, DC, USA.

Shawn McBurney, Citizens Against Government Waste, Washington, DC, USA.

Jim Martin, 60 Plus Association, Washington, DC, USA.

J.P. Wolfswinkel, Heidelberg Appeal Netherlands, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Leon Louw, Free Market Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa.

David Rothbard, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, USA.

Karen Kerrigan, Small Business Survival Committee, USA.

Nizam Ahmad, MOER (Making Our Economy Right), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dennis Avery, Center for Global Food Issues, Churchville, USA.

Rocio Guijarro Saucedo, Center for the Dissemination of Economic Knowledge, Cedice, Caracas, Venezuela.

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ICCS List of Members

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