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CT Characters

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Crono is the hero of this story. The story begins with his mom waking him up to attend the Millennial Fair at Leene Square. His best friend is Lucca, and he has an obvious attraction for Marle.

Although Crono lacks spells to cure his allies, he has very strong Attack Techniques. He has the power to wield based spells.

Single Techniques:
Lightning 2

Double Techniques:
Crono and Marle:
Aura Whirl
Ice Sword
Ice Sword 2

Crono and Lucca:
Fire Whirl
Fire Sword
Fire Sword 2

Crono and Frog:
X Strike
Sword Stream

Crono and Robo:
Rocket Roll
Max Cyclone
Super Volt

Crono and Ayla:
Drill Kick
Volt Bite
Falcon Hit

Triple Techniques
Crono, Marle, and Lucca: Delta Force
Crono, Marle, and Frog: Arc Impulse
Crono, Marle, and Robo: Lifeline
Crono, Marle, and Ayla: Final Kick
Crono, Lucca, and Frog: Delta Storm
Crono, Lucca, and Robo: Fire Zone
Crono, Lucca, and Ayla: Gatling Kick
Crono, Frog, and Robo: Triple Raid
Crono, Frog, and Ayla: 3-D Attack
Crono, Robo, and Ayla: Twister

Marle enters the story early on when she and Crono bump into each other. She has a Pendant, which is a family heirloom that she treasures. Soon after you begin the game, you figure out that Marle is actually Princess Nadia. She is described as a tomboyish princess who has defied her father by running away.

Marle has the ability of (Ice), along with some necessary Cure spells, but lacks the strength to be a powerful fighter.

Single Techniques:
Ice 2
Cure 2
Life 2

Double Techniques:
Marle and Crono:
Aura Whirl
Ice Sword
Ice Sword 2

Marle and Lucca:
Antipode 2
Antipode 3

Marle and Frog:
Ice Water
Double Cure

Marle and Robo:
Aura Beam
Ice Tackle
Cure Touch

Marle and Ayla:
Twin Charm
Ice Toss
Cube Toss

Triple Techniques:
Marle, Crono, and Lucca: Delta Force
Marle, Crono, and Frog: Arc Impulse
Marle, Crono, and Robo: Lifeline
Marle, Crono, and Ayla: Final Kick
Marle, Frog, and Robo: Grand Dream (Gold Rock)
Marle, Lucca, and Magus: Dark Eternal (Black Rock)
Marle, Lucca, and Ayla: Poyozo Dance (White Rock)

Lucca is Crono's genius inventor friend. Her and her father love to make new things (many blow up) and have recently invented a new teleportation device. This new device and her ingenuity will play a huge roll in the game.

Lucca has control over the element of . She too lacks Cure spells.

Single Techniques:
Flame Toss
Hypno Wave
Fire 2
Mega Bomb

Double Techniques:
Lucca and Crono:
Fire Whirl
Fire Sword
Fire Sword 2

Lucca and Marle:
Antipode 2
Antipode 3

Lucca and Frog:
Red Pin
Line Bomb

Lucca and Robo:
Fire Punch
Fire Tackle

Lucca and Ayla:
Flame Kick
Fire Whirl
Blaze Kick

Triple Techniques
Lucca, Crono, and Marle: Delta Force
Lucca, Crono, and Frog: Delta Storm
Lucca, Crono, and Robo: Fire Zone
Lucca, Crono, and Ayla: Gatling Kick
Lucca, Marle, and Magus: Dark Eternal (Black Rock)
Lucca, Marle, and Ayla: Poyozo Dance (White Rock)
Lucca, Robo, and Magus: Omega Flare (Blue Rock)

Frog and Glenn
When Glenn was just a boy, Cyrus saved him from the tormenting of his peers. The two became very good friends, literally to the end.

One day, the two ventured out. Cyrus was a powerful knight and sought the Masamune. They got the Hero Medal from Frog King in order to do so. Cyrus challenged Magus and lost. Instead of running, Glenn hesitated, and Magus turned him into a more suitable form: a frog.

Frog will prove to be one of your favorite characters in the game. You will encounter him shortly after you begin your journey to recover Queen Leene and save Marle. He is very valiant and honorable. Frog can not only wield a sword like no other, but can also use powerful spells along with great Cure spells.

Single Techniques:
Slurp Cut
Leap Slash
Water 2
Cure 2
Frog Squash

Double Techniques:
Frog and Crono:
X Strike
Sword Stream

Frog and Marle:
Ice Water
Double Cure

Frog and Lucca:
Red Pin
Line Bomb

Frog and Robo:
Blade Toss
Bubble Snap
Tackle Cure Wave

Frog and Ayla:
Slurp Kiss
Bubble Hit
Drop Kick

Triple Techniques:
Frog, Crono, and Marle: Arc Impulse
Frog, Crono, and Lucca: Delta Storm
Frog, Crono, and Robo: Triple Raid
Frog, Crono, and Ayla: 3-D Attack
Frog, Marle, and Robo: Grand Dream (Gold Rock)
Frog, Robo, and Ayla: Spin Strike (Silver Rock)

Robo is one of the R-Series created some time ago. He broke down and Lucca programs him to help you. Later, he is referred to as Prometheus (the Giant condemned for giving man fire in Greek Mythology).

Not much can be said about Robo. He has strong Attacks, but lacks Magic. That is not a good thing when many monsters of the game are immune to physical attacks.

Single Techniques:
Rocket Punch
Cure Beam
Laser Spin
Robo Tackle
Heal Beam
Uzzi Punch
Area Bomb

Double Techniques:
Robo and Crono:
Rocket Roll
Max Cyclone
Super Volt

Robo and Marle:
Aura Beam
Ice Tackle
Cure Touch

Robo and Lucca:
Fire Punch
Fire Tackle

Robo and Frog:
Blade Toss
Bubble Snap
Tackle Cure Wave

Robo and Ayla:
Spin Kick
Beast Toss

Triple Techniques:
Robo, Crono, and Marle: Lifeline
Robo, Crono, and Lucca: Fire Zone
Robo, Crono, and Frog: Triple Raid
Robo, Crono, and Ayla: Twister
Robo, Frog, and Marle: Grand Dream (Gold Rock)
Robo, Frog, and Ayla: Spin Strike (Silver Rock)
Robo, Lucca, and Magus: Omega Flare (Blue Rock)

Ayla is like a prehistoric Cat Woman. She likes Crono from the start because he is so strong and admires strong people. She is also the chief of Ioka Village and will aid you more than once in your quest proving to be useful.

Although she lacks magic like Robo, I still love her fighting skills. Besides, her Double and Triple Techniques are absolutely great! On top of that, she is also amusing in the way she speaks her philosophies.

Single Techniques:
Rollo Kick
Cat Attack
Rock Throw
Tail Spin
Dino Tail

Double Techniques:
Ayla and Crono:
Drill Kick
Volt Bite
Falcon Hit

Ayla and Marle:
Twin Charm
Ice Toss
Cube Toss

Ayla and Lucca:
Flame Kick
Fire Whirl
Blaze Kick

Ayla and Frog:
Slurp Kiss
Bubble Hit
Drop Kick

Ayla and Robo:
Spin Kick
Beast Toss

Triple Techniques:
Ayla, Crono, and Marle: Final Kick
Ayla, Crono, and Lucca: Gatling Kick
Ayla, Crono, and Frog: 3-D Attack
Ayla, Crono, and Robo: Twister
Ayla, Frog, and Robo: Spin Strike (Silver Rock)
Ayla, Marle, and Lucca: Poyozo Dance (White Rock)

Magus and Janus
Janus was just a boy in 15,000 BC. The only two things he were friendly to were his sister, Shala, and his cat, Alfador. He was dark and mysterious. Many said that his Magic ability far surpassed that of both his sister and mother, Queen Zeal.

Queen Zeal was using Shala to activate the Mammon Machine. Shala somewhat despised this and Janus knew so. When Shala was almost completely drained of her powers, Janus objected to his mother's doing. Zeal was furious and sent Janus along with the three Gurus, who also opposed her, to different dimensions.

Janus ended up in 600 AD where Ozzie raised him to be evil. He changed his name to Magus, but always wanted to avenge his sister.

Now, he wants Lavos destroyed, for Lavos is what stole his mother's soul to make her almost kill his beloved sister Shala. You will surely hate Magus until you learn of his past. Then you will feel sorry for him. At one point in the game, you will have the opportunity to fight him and release Frog's curse or to take him with you on your journey.

Magus has Shadow magic very different from Ayla's and Robo's, for he can still cast Lightning 2, Fire 2, and Ice 2. He is also strong and will prove to be a good addition to your party.

Single Techniques:
Lightning 2
Ice 2
Fire 2
Dark Bomb
Magic Wall
Dark Mist
Black Hole
Dark Matter

NOTE: Magus has no Double Techniques

Triple Techniques:
Magus, Lucca, and Marle: Dark Eternal (Black Rock)
Magus, Lucca, and Robo: Omega Flare (Blue Rock)

Minor Characters

Taban and Lara
Lara is Lucca's mom. She despises both Taban and Lucca for only caring about their dumb machines and lost the use of her legs in an accident when Lucca was just a little girl. Unfortunately, she does not know how much that incident tears Lucca apart.

Taban is Lucca's dad and partner in inventing. He seems to be oblivious about how much Lara despises science. Come back and visit him every so often, and he will give you stuff for Lucca.

Crono's mom
Crono's mom will wake you up for the Millennial Fair. She does not do much to help you with your journeys besides giving you some money for the fair and watch your cat while you are away. If it was not for her, you would not be here!

King Guardia is the father (or ancestor depending on which time period you are in) of Princess Nadia (Marle). He is basically a jerk to Nadia and does not understand her feelings. The two will just about be at each other's throats, but you can fix that and they will make amends. He also has a large role in the ending.


The Chancellor is not always who he seems to be. Sometimes he is Yakra (or a descendant of), so you must kill him and free the real Chancellor.

Queen Leene
Queen Leene is the ancestor of Princess Nadia. Frog is her protector, and you will have to save her from Yakra to ensure her life which will in effect save Nadia's.

Knight Captain and Chef
The Knight Captain and Chef are brothers. At first they hate each other, but after you help to save the day, they are like normal brothers.

Tata is the little boy of Porre who found the Hero Medal. Everyone even thinks he is the hero and is going to save the day. However, you later figure out that he found the Medal from the real hero.

Toma is the great adventurer who is seeking the Rainbow Shell. Although he fails to find it, he gives you its location.

Doan is an elder who seems to have a major impact on Marle's way of thinking. He is an old man who is in desperate hope, which you will give him.

Johnny is referred to as "The Man" to some. You can race him to get through Lab 32 (or you can walk through it and fight the monsters).

In 2300 AD you will learn of the Day of Lavos. That is the day when Lavos destroys everything, even the hope for a future. It is your job to prevent this from happening to ensure a future for everyone.

Masa and Mune

Masa and Mune are two mischievous brothers. One has strength and the other has knowledge. Together they form Masamune, the legendary sword that can defeat Magus. You will also encounter them in 15,000 BC in Kaja along with their sister who is visiting Enhasa. The brothers will aid you in your quest.

Slash is a swordsman and henchman to Magus. You will fight him first in Magus' Castle and again as Super Slash in Ozzie's hideout.

Flea is no ordinary woman, or is that man? Flea clearly looks like a woman, but claims to be a man. Like Flea says, "Male, Female, what's the difference?" and, "Power is beautiful and I have the power." Either way, Flea is still a nuisance. You will have to fight him first in Magus' Castle and again as Super Flea in Ozzie's Hideout.

Ozzie is a fat, gross looking thing. He was the one who raised Janus into Magus. You will fight him once in Magus' Castle and again as Great Ozzie in his hideout. Both times, he runs and tries to put obstacles in your path to stop you.

Kino is Ayla's lover. At first he is very jealous of Crono and goes as far as stealing the Gate Key. After Ayla leaves the village, he is the new chief.

Azala is the leader of the Reptites in 65,000,000 BC.

Queen Zeal
Queen Zeal is evil and annoying. Her looks even demonstrate this. She is using her daughter, Shala, to power up the Mammon Machine to release Lavos' power, even if it kills Shala! She even goes as far as sending anyone that opposes her (Janus and the three Gurus) to a different era.

Shala is the daughter of Queen Zeal and the sister of Janus. She has a Pendant much like the one Marle has along with great Magical powers (which is why her mother is using her). Shala helps you out several times throughout your journeys in 15,000 BC.

Dalton is nothing but an egotistical jerk! He seeks immortality and will try almost anything to achieve that. He is the owner of the Blackbird, which was designed by Belthazar. Dalton even names himself King after the fall of Zeal. I hated him as a character.

Belthazar is the Guru of Reason, Melchior is the Guru of Life, and Gaspar is the Guru of Time. When they opposed Queen Zeal, they were all sent to different dimensions. Belthazar was sent to 2300 AD, Melchior was sent to 1000 AD, and Gaspar was sent to The End of Time.

Belthazar will help you by giving you Epoch and a lot of great advice. Melchior will smith you swords. Gaspar will give you necessary advice.


Spekkio is the Master of War and gives you Magic. You can also fight him to get items (like Magic Tabs and Power Tabs). As you progress and gain strength, so does he.

"All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu." You will encounter Nus throughout your quest. Even Belthazar takes the form Nu.
Cyrus is the brave knight who befriended Glenn early on. The two became the best of friends and stuck by each other until the bitter end, when Cyrus was killed by Magus, and Glenn was turned into Frog.

Norstein Bekkler
Norstein Bekkler (who is also referred to as Nolstein Bekkler by Belthazar) is the wacky guy that runs the House of Horrors at the Millennial Fair at Leene Square. You can play three different games: one for 10 Silver Points, another for 40, and the last for 80. Winning the first game will first get you a Poyozo Doll. If you play again, you can win Cat Food to feed your cat(s). If you play the second game, you can win a Crono Clone (which is needed later in the game). Lastly, the third game will get you a cat (to keep your other cat company and get kittens).

Fiona is the woman who gave her life to protect the forest, but she failed. However, you can change that and have the outcome of her life turn out to be positive.

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