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CT Walkthrough


The Millennial Fair
You begin in 1000 AD. Your mom tells you to wake up and see your best friend, Lucca's, new invention at The Millennial Fair at Leene Square. This is a celebration of beating Magus 400 years ago.

At the Fair, you will meet Melchior. He will play a very significant role throughout the game. You will also bump into Marle. Marle will then join you to walk around the fair, but will remain with you for the remainder of the game. For more hints on the Fair, CLICK HERE.

Next, talk to the woman in the first screen sitting on the fountain. She will tell you that Lucca is ready with her new invention at the north end of the square. Go there.

Lucca and her father, Taban, have made an awesome new telepod. The townspeople are hesitant to try it because Lucca and Taban have a tendency to blow things up. So, what do you do? Try it out! When you talk to Marle, she thinks it is the coolest thing and wants to try it out to. However, when she jumps in, her Pendant reacts and she is sent to a different time. Be a gentleman and go after her.

The Queen Returns
You are sent to 600 AD. Talk to the people at the inn, and you will find out that the queen disappeared, but was found and is safe now. Talk to Toma when he walks in. This will not be the first time you encounter Toma. He will say that the queen disappeared at the Cathedral. Go to Guardia Castle to investigate.

When you walk into the castle, you will be stopped by the two door guards. Queen Leene will tell them to stop their nonsense and that you are the one that saved her. In addition, everyone says that the queen is acting weird. Go to the left tower and talk to her. She is really Marle! All of the sudden she disappears. Walk downstairs and Lucca will be there to greet you. Marle is really Princess Nadia! Lucca then goes on and explains the entire thing that if Leene was kidnapped or died, Nadia would never exist! Now, talk to the Chancellor, who is going to the Cathedral. Follow him to the Cathedral to the east.

In the Cathedral, talk to the nun standing next to the organ. When you start to walk away, there will be a glowing thing in front of the altar. Check it out, and you will find out that it is a hairpin with Guardia's Royal Crest. The nuns turn into Naga-ettes and you have to fight them.

Once finished with that task, another Naga-ette will attack Lucca, but a frog will come to rescue her. Yes! A frog! He also wishes to save Leene and will be an awesome addition to your party. His name is Frog (not a very creative name). Now, play the organ for the door to appear.

Get through the enemies and get to Yakra. Remember to save the Chancellor from the treasure chest (the one to the left). Now, you will go back to Guardia.

Once you get in the castle, Frog is ashamed of himself and leaves for hiding. Now, go back up to the left tower and Nadia (Marle) will be there. Head back to the mountain where you came from. Lucca made a "Gate Key" in order to make the Gates more stable.


You are to escort Marle back to the castle. However, once you enter, the Chancellor immediately accuses you of "premeditated abduction of royalty" and puts you on trial! You have a lawyer, Pierre, that will try to aid you in your trial. If you want some hints on how to be found not guilty, CLICK HERE.

Anyway, if you are found guilty, you have three days until execution. If you are found not guilty, you will be sentenced to three days of solitary confinement, but the Chancellor still claims you were sentenced to be executed. Since the guards cannot question him, you are in deep crap. The only difference (that I noticed anyway) was that you get a gift (it is just an Ether) from a sympathizer.

Now, you have to get out of there. Save
on your way out. His dad owns a store in Truce and he gives you like ten ethers (something like that) later if you save him.

When you are almost to freedom, Lucca will come to your aid. Read the "Dragon Tank Owner's Manual" to get an idea of how you are supposed to beat the Dragon Tank. First, kill the Head, then the Grinder, then the body part.

When you get downstairs, the guards start chasing you, and you have no choice but to break through. You become trapped and Marle comes to help you. The guards trap all of you on the King and Chancellor's wishes, so bust through to the Guardia Forest Gate.

Beyond the Ruins
You are now in 2300 AD. First, go south to the Trann Dome to find out some significant information. Next, go northeast and through Lab 16 to Arris Dome. In Lab 16, the rats will steal tonics. Also, use magic on the Shadows (Lucca has Fire).

When you reach Arris, the people, especially Doan, are in complete awe that you made it through Lab 16 and beat the "freaky mutants." Go down to the basement in attempt to find some food for the people. You will have to fight a Guardian and its two Bits. Kill the Bits first then work on defeating the Guardian. After you beat the Guardian, you will find out that the refrigeration failed, and the food is rotten. All is left are some seeds and a piece of paper that says the rat is more than a statue and hold the secret. Catch the rat to obtain the password [L, R, (not on D-pad) and A].

Enter the password and proceed. You will soon find a computer that informs you Proto Dome is to the east. Marle gets curious and hits a button. The Day of Lavos, 1999, comes up and shows you how the world was left in ruins. This is your future; you have no future… However, you have the ability of time travel through the Gates! You can change the future just as you did when you saved Leene and Marle!

When you come back, Doan is thrilled you came back alive. He gives you the Bike Key to pass through Lab 32. Do that next. You can pass up the Sewer Access for now.

In Lab 32, you will race Johnny. It is not hard as long as you watch and time your speed boost for the right time. Now, you can go to Proto Dome.

The Factory Ruins
At Proto Dome, you will find a beat-up robot. Lucca will fix him up. He remembers being called R66-Y, but that is not a good name. Robo is much better. Robo will help you break the security system at the Factory so you can get to the Gate and return home.

In the Factory, you will have the chance to enter some passwords. The first is a set of passwords you can enter in the Crane: X and A to move one barrel, and B and B to move the other barrel. The other is the Defense Lock Code: Zabie. That would be translated XABY on the control pad. You go through and the security system goes haywire. You need to escape. Remember, you do not have access to the green elevators anymore.

On your way out, Robo sees his "friends" or "brothers." They claim that he is defective and try to destroy him. They eventually throw him in a shaft and you will fight the R-series. If you use Crono's Cyclone attack to hit three at a time, your other party member can defeat one at a time in a single hit. You will take Robo back to Proto and Lucca will again fix him.

Robo is very happy to be fixed and wishes to join your party. Now, go through the Gate.

The End of Time and Medina
When you jump in the Gate, you end up in a strange place. Talk to the man. He will tell you when four or more beings step into a Gate, they will end up here, at The End of Time. This is because of the Conservation of Time Theorem states that they will end up at the space-time coordinates of the least resistance, which just so happens to be The End of Time. The Pillars of Light connect the time dimensions here.

You will also visit Spekkio, the Master of War. He tells you that everything is based on the four Magic powers: Lightning, Fire, Water, and Shadow. These powers were used by humans long ago, but were abused, lost, and then only used by magicians. When you walk around Spekkio's room three times starting from the door, he will give you such powers.

Now, return to 1000 AD. However, you are not in Truce anymore, you are in a small monster village called Medina. Talk to the monsters there, then go to Melchior's Hut to the east. He will tell you that you can get to Truce through the Heckran Cave to the north.

In the cave, fight Heckran with your Magic. Common sense says not to hit him when he says, "Go ahead! Try and attack…!" If you do, he will strike you with a powerful counterattack. Hop in the portal and go to Truce.

The first thing you will want to do when you reach Truce is talk to Taban to acquire his latest in defense for Lucca, the Taban Vest. Now, use the Gate at Leene Square (the Fairgrounds) to get to 600 AD. You want to do this to change the future by defeating Magus and his army from creating Lavos.

The Hero Appears
Talk to the townspeople when you get to 600 AD. They will all say that the Hero has appeared and has gone to see the king. Before you go to the castle, talk to the troops at Zenan Bridge. They have run out of their food supply and are in dire need of more.

Now, go to the castle. You will be informed that the Hero went to the south continent to look for the Masamune in order to defeat Magus. Go down to the kitchen and bother Chef. You will learn that his brother is the Knight Captain. When you walk out, Chef will stop you to deliver some Jerky for the troops.

Go to Zenan Bridge and give up the Jerky. Then, help out the troops and chase Ozzie, one of Magus' three evil henchmen (or henchpeople). At the end of the bridge, you will fight Zombor. After that, go to Dorino.

At Dorino, you will learn that the Masamune is in the Denadoro Mountains. Now go south to Porre, where the Hero is from. You will again run into Toma, who is now looking for the Rainbow Shell. You learn that Magus has three henchmen: Ozzie, Flea, and Slash. Frog can be found in the Cursed Woods to the north of Porre.

Now, journey to the Denadoro Mountains to obtain the Masamune. Bring Lucca in your party to use Fire on the Ogans, for they are nothing once their clubs are burned away. You will also have to fight Masa, who represents strength, and Mune, who represents knowledge. The two will combine to form Masamune. When you beat them, you also break the sword. It needs to be fixed. But how? There is something carved on the sword: Roihclem. What could that mean? Melchior! Go back to the Medina Gate to see him.

Melchior says he can do nothing unless he has Dream Stone, a red stone that was used ages ago as currency. Go to 65,000,000 BC.

The Rare Red Rock
You will fight Reptites (half-human and half-dinosaur) right away in 65,000,000 BC. After the first round, even more will come and totally outnumber you. All of the sudden, some crazy cat woman comes and thins them out. Fight the rest and the cat woman will talk to you. She is Ayla, admires your strength, and invites you to drink and party right away.

Walk to Ioka's Chief Hut. Ayla is the chief. Before she gives you the Dream Stone, she holds a feast. Kino, Ayla's lover, is very jealous of you. You will also learn that Ayla wants to defeat Azala, the Reptite leader. You will challenge Ayla in a soup race for the Dream Stone.

When you awake the following morning, you are surrounded in tracks and the Gate Key is missing! Reptites!

By this time, you will have a chance to trade Petal, Horn, Fang, and Feather in exchange for items. If you want a list of these items, CLICK HERE.

Footsteps! Follow!
By gathering information from the Ioka villagers, you will learn that the Reptites went through the Forest Maze to the Reptite Lair. Go there and you will find Kino. He is the one who took the Gate Key and did so because he does not like you. The reason he does not like you is because Ayla admired your strength from the start, and he is jealous. The Reptites took the Key from him, and you must now retrieve it.

In the Reptite Lair, use Lightning on the Megasaurs to stun them. That will make your job quite a bit easier. You will also want to use Lightning when fighting Nizbel. I found Magic and Combos rather than Attacking worked best. Azala will then give you back the Key.

Ayla will stay behind, and you need to finish your job of repairing the Masamune. Go back to the Mystic Mountains and take the Gate to Medina in 1000 AD. Go to Melchior's Hut and he will repair the sword. Now, you must go to 600 AD and take the Masamune to Frog in the Cursed Woods. You will stay the night, and a flashback will occur…

Cyrus and Glenn leave to take the Medal from King Frog because Cyrus wants to obtain the Masamune. The two get the Medal OK, and then Cyrus gets the Masamune. Cyrus challenges Magus and loses both the Masamune and his life. Cyrus uses his last bit of breath to tell Glenn to escape. Ozzie says to Magus, "Can't you give him a more fitting form?" Magus then casts a spell and Glenn falls of the cliff…

Frog then has a monologue:

"Ten years hath passed…
"I've changed so much…"

Frog awakens you, and you are off to defeat Magus, who you believe created Lavos. However, before you go off on your journey, go to The End of Time and get Frog's Magic.

The journey to Magus' Castle and Magus' Castle
To get to Magus' Castle, you must first go through Magic Mountain, which lies south of Dorino. However, the steep edges prevented you from getting though before. When you get there, Frog will take the Masamune to cut right through the rock and have another flashback…

…Cyrus helps Glenn from getting tormented by his peers…
Cyrus wishes to enlist in the royal army, but Glenn does not think he has what it takes…
Glenn is Frog…
Glenn obtains the Hero Medal…

This bat thing will follow you all the into Magus' Castle. When you enter the castle, quickly get the chests in both corridors. Then, step on the thing that looks like a save spot and Ozzie will speak to you. He will tell you that you need to beat the Swordsman Slash, the Magician Flea, himself, and the 100 other beasts that dwell in the castle. One hundred is not a farfetched number either. I counted 99 enemies not counting the six that can easily be avoided by not falling into one of Ozzie's holes (that is not counting Slash, Flea, Ozzie, or Magus either). With that extra six, there are 105 enemies.

I went to the left corridor after that, although you can go to the right one first if you want. There, you will fight Slash, or as Frog would say, Sir Slush. It is not worth using magic on him, just Attack and use your Attack-based Combos.

Now, you go down the left corridor and fight Flea. However, you first fight Fake Flea. The annoying bat that has been following you around is the real Flea. Fight him (I still think he is a she) by using Magic-based Techniques.

Go back and again step on the save spot thing, which will transport you. Now, you are chasing Ozzie. When you get Jugglers in battle, alternate your Magic and Attack to kill it first. It should only take three or four rounds at the most.

When you finally catch Ozzie, he will put himself in a big block of ice so that you cannot harm him. Hit the chains surrounding to open a hole in which he will fall. Use the right save spot thing to save your game and use a Shelter if needed.

Now, it is time to fight Magus. I preferred using Crono, Frog, and Lucca. Watch his Barrier Changes. After you defeat Magus, Lavos will awaken. However, didn't Magus create Lavos? No, he only summoned Lavos! Lavos came before this time! A huge gate then sucks all of you in…

Forward to the Past
Before you end up in your destination from this Gate, there is a completely dumb dream sequence where Marle is your wife, wakes you up, and tells you to get a job.

You will end up in 65,000,000 BC. Ayla found you at Mystic Mountains. When you and your party awake, she mistakes Frog for food.

Ayla is looking for Laruba. Go north to the Laruba Ruins. The Reptites destroyed Laruba and kidnapped Kino. Ayla needs a Dactyl to get to the Tyrano Lair. Go to the Dactyl Nest to meet up with her. By this time, you will also be able to obtain new items by trading your Petal, Fang, Horn, and Feather. CLICK HERE to see them.

Unnatural Selection
When you find Ayla at the Dactyl Nest, she will join your party. Ride the Dactyls to the Tyrano Lair.

In the Tyrano Lair, save Kino from the cell. Ayla will get so excited that she will break the cell bars open. Once you save Kino, he will show you the path to Azala.

Proceed in your journey and you will have to fight Nizbel II. Use the same battle tactics on him as you did with the original Nizbel. After you defeat him, go on and fight Azala and Black Tyrano. Concentrate on Azala first, then wait until Black Tyrano removes his defense and begins to raise power. Once it does that, give it all you got!

Once that task is accomplished, Lavos comes. Lavos causes the Ice Age, and the Reptites to die out. Ayla is the one who made up the word Lavos: "La" means "fire", and "vos" means big. Therefore, I suppose Lavos can be simply translated to Big Fire.

Kino then comes with Dactyls to get you guy(s) (and girl(s)) out of there. Now you are positive that Lavos' destroying the world in not Magus' fault. Go to the Lair Ruins and jump in the gate.

The Magic Kingdom
You end up in 12,000 BC, the Ice Age. In the Ice Age, there are Enlightened Ones and Earthbound Ones. The Enlightened Ones can use magic and live good lives up in the Kingdom of Zeal. The Earthbound Ones live in poverty and cannot cast magic.

Go to the Skyway immediately, which lies to the east. You will end up near Enhasa. Go inside. In there, there will be a boy named Janus (who happens to be the Prince of Zeal), a sullen lad as Frog says, that says, "The black wind howls…" Could this be Magus?! Then he goes on to say, "One among you… will shortly perish."

Also, if you talk to the thing that looks like Masa and Mune three times, she will say her name is Doreen and that there is a secret passage in Enhasa. From a clue given in the next town, Kajar, you know how to open this passage. "Water summons wind… wind makes the fire dance." Open the books in this order: water, wind, and fire. A passage will open and you will see a Nu. He says that the Guru of Reason is gone and asks if you wish to fight him. Say yes and you will have to fight six of them. Despite what some people might say, they can kill you. They knock down your HPs to 1 in one kind of attack and hit off only a single HP with another kind of attack.

Now go to the Land Bridge and then the other Skyway. Head west and enter Kajar. You can skip entering the Blackbird. All you learn there is that the plane is controlled by Dalton (who is an arrogant jerk). In Kajar, do the book thing again (water, wind, fire) and reveal the passage to acquire the Black Rock.

Here you will also learn quite a few things. People say that Shala is more powerful than the Queen, and Janus has basically no Magic. In addition, the Gurus of Life, Time, and Reason have also disappeared after opposing Zeal. This is also where you learn from a Nu that "water summons wind…wind makes fire dance."

Now, go through the caves to reach the Castle of Zeal. Here, you will learn that is was Belthasar who made the Blackbird and designed the Ocean Palace. You will also learn of the amazing new Prophet who is quite accurate in his foreseeing. You will also run into Masa and Mune, who say their older sister Doreen is at Enhasa. However, the most important piece of information is that Zeal is using Shala to summon Lavos through the Mammon Machine (which was designed by Melchior) to obtain immortality.

You will also see a short scene between Shala and Janus. He despises his mother (who he even says is not really his mother anymore) for using Shala. The only two things that Janus loves are his cat, Alfador, and his sister. Shala then gives him an Amulet to protect him when she cannot. A guard will come in and tell Shala that she is wanted at the Ocean Palace. Follow Shala and she opens the door with a Pendant that looks identical to yours. The guards nearby will tell you that her Pendant reacted with the Mammon Machine. What would happen if you took your Pendant to the Mammon Machine? Go do it.

Now you can open the door. Go inside and Dalton will stop you. You will have to fight Golem. After you defeat Golem, Zeal traps you.

When you are trapped, Shala and Janus enter. Janus calls you and your party idiots, but Shala wants to rescue you in hope that you will save the Guru of Life, who was sent to the Mountain of Woe for opposing Zeal. The Prophet comes in and tries to stop Shala from doing so. Janus sticks up for his sister, and the Prophet then makes you show him how you got here. He throws you in, and forces Shala to seal the Gate shut.

Break the Seal
You are back in 65,000,000 BC. However, now you can open the chests and doors that you could not before now that your Pendant is charged.

First, go to 600 AD. There are boxes in Truce Inn, Guardia Forest, the Elder's House in Porre, and the Magic Cave. Say "no" to the chests in Truce Inn and the Elder's House. You will acquire a Speed Tab from the chest in Guardia Forest and a Magic Ring from the chest in the Magic Cave.

Now, go to 1000 AD. Get the chests from the corresponding spots in 600 AD. You will obtain the powered up Blue Mail in Truce Inn and the powered up White Mail and Black Mail at the Elder's House. You will get another Speed Tab in Guardia Forest, and then you will get a Wall Ring and a Dash Ring from the box in Heckran's Cave. Also, go to the Forest Ruins (north of Medina) to get the Guru of Reason's treasure. You will have the option to choose a weapon OR protective gear. The weapon is the Swallow, which gives you +3 speed and is 42 attack points greater than the Aeon Blade. The protective gear is the Safe Helm, which cuts physical damage by one-third and is eighteen defense points greater than the Rock Helm. I picked the Swallow every time I played the game. However, the Safe Helm the second best helmet and can be used by anyone (I am pretty sure anyway) while the Swallow is not the best sword and can only be used by Crono.

Now, go back to 600 AD and get the chests you originally said, "No" to. You will get a Blue Vest in Truce Inn and a White Vest and a Black Vest in the Elder's House in Porre.

After that, open the doors in 2300 AD. First, go into the Arris Dome Basement. In there, you will obtain a Lumin Robe, an Elixir, a Hit Ring, and a Gold Earring. Then go to Trann Dome to acquire a Gold Stud, a Full Ether, and a Magic Tab. Then hit Bangor Dome and get a Charm Top, a Full Ether, and a Wallet.

Once that is finished, go through the Sewer Access. If you have not accomplished this already, it will be pathetically easy. Do not touch the cat, the pop can, the garbage can, the cheese, or the save spot (which really is not a save spot). If you do, then you will have to fight enemies. You will also have to fight Sir Krawlie. He will be super easy and can be defeated in just one or two attacks.

Head to the Keeper's Dome and open the sealed door. Belthasar will speak to you about Lavos and how you are the only hope in defeating him. Go through the door to obtain his latest invention, the "Wings of Time". Check it out and walk out. A Nu (who is actually Belthasar) will stop you and tell you how to use the Epoch. Hop it and go to 12,000 BC!

The Guru on Mount Woe
When you reach 12,000 BC, go northwest to the Terra Cave. This will take you to Algetty, the village of the Earthbound Ones. Here you will learn that the Guru of Life said that Janus' power exceed those of both Shala and Zeal. He is supposedly using them to get to Lavos.

Go through the Beast's Nest to climb the chain to the Mountain of Woe. You will have to fight Red Beast, Blue Beast, and Mud Imp. I found using the Falcon Hit (Crono and Ayla) to take out the Beasts first worked well.

On Mount Woe, there are these rocks with eyes, Rubbles, that can easily be avoided. However, they give 100 Tech Points per battle.

You will soon find the Guru imprisoned in a block of ice. Fight the Giga Gaia by killing his Arms first (the right one first). Again, I found Falcon Hit to work quite well. Save the Guru of Life. He is Melchior! He tells you that the "infamous immortal", Lavos, stole Zeal's soul. You will escape quickly, for the mountain is about to collapse into the sea.

When you are all talking to Melchior, Shala comes with Janus (and Alfador too). She says that the Mammon Machine will not work with out here, and she has turned her back on evil. She kept the Skyway open for you to stop her mother. Dalton comes to take Shala away to the Ocean Palace. Janus tries to stick up for her, but Dalton pushes him out of the way. Now, talk to Melchior who will give you the Ruby Knife to destroy the Mammon Machine.

What Lies Beyond
Take the Skyways and Land Bridges to Zeal. If you wish, go to Kajar and say "No" when the Nu asks if you have Shala's Pendant, and he will sell you some good things. Go to the castle and head to Zeal's room where you will fight Dalton. Meanwhile, Zeal is pushing Shala to raise the power of the Mammon Machine.

Now, go to the Ocean Palace. The fighting is good and do not forget to get the chests. Remember to kill Barghest before Jinn in battle. You will also fight Red and Blue Scouts. Do not use Magic on them. Again, Zeal pushes Shala.

You will encounter Dalton again, and he will summon the Golem Twins. They have a mean Copycat ability, so watch out. Once they are defeated, Dalton tries to call the Golem Boss, but do not worry, a strange force prevents him from doing so, and he runs.

Walk up and you will run into Shala, Zeal, Prophet, etc. Shala's powers are getting very weak. You will automatically use the Ruby Knife and then have to fight Lavos. Chances are, you will die quite quickly, but do not go and turn the game off now. The Prophet comes in and is really Magus! He fights Lavos. Zeal is rude, and I do not think she realizes that Magus is her son. Magus' powers are quickly drained and his power has no effect on Lavos. You will gain control over Crono. Walk to Lavos and risk your life to save the others (trust me).

Shala uses the rest of her Pendant's power to send you and Magus to safety. A tidal wave wipes out Algetty, and the Kingdom of Zeal crumbles. You will wake up on Refuge Island. Go to the commons and talk to the Elder. Dalton barges in and is the new king. He even renames Zeal, "The Kingdom of Dalton". He will imprison you and take the Epoch.

The New King
I think this is the dumbest part in the game. Everything: your equipment, items, and gold are all gone. You cannot even fight! I highly recommend bringing Ayla along with you, for she can fight with only her fists.

When you climb up the ladder, you will learn that you are on the Blackbird. Go into the air duct, go left, and then down all the way. Check the ground below through the vents. You will find out that Dalton is rearranging the Epoch into his royal "Airthrone". Now, go back to the room at which you started. Go back into the air duct, then go right, up, left, up at the intersection, left at the second intersection, and up through the door. Now you will have someone else's equipment. Fight your way through until you go the rest of your crew's equipment, items, and gold.

Once that is finished, go out to the wing. You can avoid fighting the Turrets and can immediately just go all the way down and to the left. You will then have to fight Golem Boss, who I found to be quite easy. Dalton will then be finished rigging the Epoch and take it out. He even re-names it the "Aero-Dalton Imperial". He begins to shoot at you, your party jumps on, and you will fight him (Dalton Plus).

You will again end up at the Last Village on Refuge Island. People there will say that there is a suspicious man at the North Cape. That is your next destination. Magus ends up being the suspicious man…

Janus tries to save Shala. Queen Zeal is furious over those who have opposed her and transfers them to a different era: Melchior to 1000 AD, Gaspar to the End of Time, Belthasar to 2300 AD, and Janus to 600 AD. Ozzie finds the alone Janus, takes him in, and raises him for evil…

You have the choice to fight Magus (with only Frog) or to let him live. If you fight him, you will release the curse on Frog, if you do not, he will come join your party. Either way, the Amulet will be in your possession. That is what Shala gave him for protection when he was still Janus. He will also tell you that Gaspar, the Guru of Time, may be able to help you get Crono back.

Now, hop in the Epoch. The Gate will cause interference and the Black Omen (Ocean Palace) will arise from the sea. Then, hit the Y button and go to the End of Time. Talk to the Old Man, and he acts as if he is not who you know he is (Gaspar). Once you attempt to leave, he says, "Hey!" Go back, talk to him, and he will give you the Crono Trigger or Time Egg. He then tells you that you need to ask Belthasar how to hatch it and admits he is Gaspar.

The Time Egg
Board the Epoch, go to 2300 AD, and fly to Keeper's Dome. Talk to Belthasar and he will tell you that in order to activate life restoration, the person must be important to the space-time continuum. A clone is also necessary. To get a clone, you can see Nolstein Bekkler, who loves festivals.

Get back in the Epoch and go to 1000 AD, Leene Square. Go to the House of Horrors, Norstein Bekkler's (they change his name), and win a clone. HINT: use L1 and R1, not left and right on the D-Pad when mimicking the actions.

Go back to Keepers Dome, and Belthasar summons three Poyozo Dolls to execute the program to help you climb Death Peak. Turn the Nu off by hitting the switch (that is what he requested).

Your first task will be to hide behind the trees, so the wind does not blow you out of there. This is totally stupid and may take a few tries to get used to. You will also fight Lavos Spawns. Only hit their heads. If you hit their shells, they will counter and kill you. Your second task is to cross an ice bridge, which is less stupid than your first task. Your final task is the simplest. All you have to do is defeat Lavos Spawn and move its shell to climb up to the ladder.

Now you are at the summit of Death Peak. Marle (or perhaps someone else if she is not in your party) says,

"All who fear the night and stand against darkness…
"Please give us strength!"

The Pendant reacts and shatters. You have failed… The screen goes black…

You end up at that moment! Now, you can exchange the Crono Clone for the real Crono.

You end up back at the summit and then the End of Time. Gaspar tells you there are three ways to reach Lavos: using the Wings of Time (Epoch), the Bucket, or the Black Omen.

The Fated Hour
Gaspar will give you some additional (and optional) tasks to do before you defeat Lavos. I recommend doing these different tasks for two reasons: it always feels better to finish a game as well as you possibly can, and secondly, these tasks will enhance your power and defeating Lavos will be much simpler. These tasks are:
600 AD: Fiona and the Forest
600 AD: Ozzie's Hideout
A task in 2300 AD
The Sunstone
1000 AD: A ghost
The Rainbow Shell
Someone close needs help quickly

NOTE: You do not have to take the same approach to these asks as I have. You can basically do them in any order you wish. This is simply the order I though to be the most logical.

First, go to 600 AD and help Fiona. Talk to her, and enter the Sunken Desert. You may want to bring in either Frog or Marle (or even both if you like), because Water weakens the enemies. You will fight Retinite, who I thought to be quite frustrating. After you do that, go talk to Fiona with Robo in your party. Leave him behind and fly east to this town (Choras). Go into the inn and talk to Toma, who will give you Toma's Pop to place at his grave. Also, talk to the guy who got his Tools stolen.

Now, go to 1000 AD. Go to Fiona's Shrine and get Robo back. You and your party will have a celebration at around a campfire. You begin to think that it is not Lavos who is responsible for the Gates but some higher entity. The discussion then begins to shift towards the past and death. Marle asks Lucca if she wants to change anything, and Lucca quickly responds with no. You turn in for the night.

Lucca awakes while everyone else is asleep. She hops into a portal and goes back to that day…

In Lucca's 6-24-990 journal entry, she says that she loathes science. Walk out to the ledge, and Lara is trying to clean Taban's machine. Her shirt gets stuck, and you try to save her. You type in the password, but what is it? If only you knew more about machines! If you type in the correct password, Lara's legs will be saved, if you do not, then Lara will lose her legs. If you want to know the password, CLICK HERE.

When you return, Robo is standing there. He says that he will give her his legs, and Lucca calls him a friend. He is surprised, because he is only a robot.

Now, fly east to Toma's Grave. Sprinkle on the Toma's Pop, and Toma will speak to you. He tells you that he has located the Rainbow Shell at the Giant's Claw. Also, talk to the guy in Choras Inn who is drinking his "soda pop". He will tell you that you can borrow his Tools and to pick them up from his wife. Go to his house and pick up the tools.

After that, go back to 600 AD. Go to the Giant's Claw, which happens to be the Reptites Lair. Again, use Lightning to shock the enemies and remember to jump down the hole. When you have to fight the Rust Tyrano, do it just as you did the Black Tyrano. The Rainbow Shell will be too heavy to carry, so you automatically go back to the castle. King Guardia will help you and holds the Rainbow Shell as a royal treasure.

Now, go give the guy near Choras the Tools you borrowed (although they are never returned). He will fix some of the paths in the Northern Ruins. Now, you will have to clear some monsters, talk to the guy again, and pay him 2,000 gold to fix some more paths. Do that one more time. Do not get the chests just yet, and do not forget to say no and power them up.

Once it is all cleared, go to the Ruins in 1000 AD. There will be the ghost of Cyrus there. Go back to 600 AD with Frog in your party and visit Cyrus' tombstone in the downstairs to the left. It says, "Cyrus, the fool who challenged Magus, rests here." Frog says his good-byes and finally gets to be at peace with himself. Masa and Mune come and tell you that Frog is a true hero. They come together and form a more powerful Masamune. Now, get the chests: Elixir, Hyper Ether, Valkerye (Siren if you did not power up the chest), Shiva Edge (Kali Blade if not powered up), and Moon Armor (Cosmo Armor if not powered up). After that, go back and get the chests in 600 AD (Elixir, Hyper Ether, Siren, Kali Blade, and Nova Armor).

Now, head to a northern island where Ozzie has his hideout. You will first fight Flea Plus and then Super Slash. Both are relatively easy. You may not want to get the chest under the blade because it is just a Full Ether. If you get it, the blade will knock your entire party's HPs to one. Personally, I do not think that it is worth it.

You will soon run into the three henchmen. They claim to have treasures that make them "invincible". Ozzie has pants, Flea has a vest, and Slash has Slasher 2. Fight and kill Flea and Slash, and Ozzie will run. Chase him and fight him. It is very similar to when you fought him in Magus' Castle: he is locked in a block of ice, and there are switches on the wall. When you hit the switch, he laughs at you, and you fall. Go back and give it another try! He says that you will never defeat him, when suddenly a cat walks in and hits the switch that causes Ozzie to plummet to his death.

Now, go to 1000 AD, Guardia Castle, with Marle in your party. King Guardia is on trial! The Chancellor claims that the King sold the Rainbow Shell for money, but the King says he has never even heard of it! Find the Rainbow Shell in the castle (it is down the stairs that were not there before) to prove Guardia's innocence.

When you get down there, you will find out that the monsters are trying to frame Guardia over a thirteen-generation feud. Why would the Chancellor be in on it too? Anyway, find the Rainbow Shell and read Leene's letter to Nadia (Marle):

Dearest Marle, I know things are tough between you and your father. But nothing can break your bond of blood. Neither words of anger, nor great distances. Someday when you have children, you will understand. This special bond is part of a family tree which links us together."

Guardia is then found guilty 4-1 by the jury (whatever happened to the unanimous vote?). The Chancellor has framed the king because he wants the throne. Marle then rushes in and the Chancellor turns into his true form: Yakra XIII. Fight him to save the king.

Marle and her father reconcile. Guardia says that Aliza's (his wife and Marle's mother) last words were, "Someday when Nadia grows up, she will bring her beloved to meet you. Welcome him warmly. It will be a day you remember forever." That must be you! You are Nadia's beloved! He then assures his daughter that her mother went away peacefully. Guardia then lets you go and tells you to take care of Nadia.

Now, go back to the courtroom and pick up Yakra Key to free the real Chancellor. Now he is free to prepare for the Moonlight Parade. Go back downstairs to where the Rainbow Shell is located and Melchior will give you one Prism Dress or three Prism Helms. I picked the Helms every time I played.

Now, go to 2300 AD and travel to the second most southern island where Geno Dome is located. Have Robo lead to get inside. The first thing you may want to do is read the computer to get an idea of what your task is. The doors can be opened by charging yourself in the pods, the conveyer belt can be reversed with the switch above it, the guard machine can be short circuited by placing another one in front of it, and the two Poyozo Dolls are needed to place on green pods to open a door.

Go up to where the three switches are located and hit the first and third ones. Charge yourself and open that door to get the doll. Then, reverse the conveyor belt. Do not enter the Dust Chute unless you plan on leaving. Once the conveyor belt is released, you have to charge yourself and run all the way around to open the door. It may take several tries, but be persistent. Then, get the robot to follow you and get him to stand in front of the one guarding the doll. They will short circuit, and you can get the doll.

After that, head towards the place where there is a locked door. Before you reach there, you will be stopped by Atropos. Atropos was a very good friend of Robo, possibly even his girlfriend, but Mother has changed her and wants to change Robo too. However, Atropos does not refer to Robo as Robo or even R66-Y like before, but as Prometheus. Robo will fight her solo. After the fight, she gets her memory back. She does not recall anything, not even the fight. She gives you Atropos' Ribbon and dies.

Now, you can go all the way to the locked door. Place the dolls on the green pods to unlock the door and proceed. Your entire party will then fight the Mother Brain of the R-Y Series Factory. Kill the Display first, then Mother Brain. You will obtain the Terra Arm and the Crisis Arm from doing this. You will end up at the beginning of the factory. Walk out and head to the south most island.

On the south most island is the Sun Palace. Here, you will fight Son of Sun. This can be a very frustrating task. To defeat it, you have to attack one of the five balls of fire around the center. If you hit one and also see it cause damage to the center, hit it again. However, they do this Roulette thing, which will scramble up the balls of fire, and you no longer know which ball is the right one to hit. Good luck!

After you defeat Son of Sun, you will get the Moon Stone. Go to 65,000,000 BC and place it at the Sun Keep. Then, go to 1000 AD to check on your Moon Stone. It is gone! Now, go to the Elder's House in Porre. He will give you the Stone if you gave the Jerky to his ancestor in 600 AD. I suppose you would have to pay if you did not. Now go back to the Sun Keep and re-place the Stone there. Go back to 2300 AD, have Lucca in your party, and check on the Moon Stone. However, it is no longer the Moon Stone, it is the Sun Stone. Lucca goes back to her house and makes herself a weapon, the Wondershot. Taban also makes Sun Shades. Do not forget to talk to Melchior in Guardia Castle. He will make you Prism Specs and the Rainbow out of an alloy of Sun Stone and Rainbow Shell.

Next, go to 15,000 BC and enter the Black Omen. Inside, Zeal will call you a fool and claim that she is already immortal with Lavos. You will then fight Mega Mutant, which is easy. Proceed through the Black Omen. You may want to watch out for Goons. I found Falcon Hit to work quite well on them. Also, when you have a Boss and two Side Kicks (sometimes you will have two Bosses and four Side Kicks), the Side Kicks will give you 100 Tech Points.

The next enemy you will fight is the Giga Mutant. Use Luminaire to kill it. Next, you will have to fight a Terra Mutant. That too can be defeated by using Luminaire. After that, you will have to fight Lavos Spawn (kill it just like you did the ones on Death Mountain). Now go back, use a Shelter, and save your game.

Go on and you will see you and your party members locked in tubes. Queen Zeal! You will then have to fight her. I found Crono and Ayla using Falcon Hit and the third party member using Heal or a Lapis worked best. Watch out for her Hallation attack, which will knock all your party members' HPs down to one!

After you accomplish this, she will toss you into the Mammon Machine to "be one with the Omen, Lavos…and me! (Zeal)". Now, you will fight the Mammon Machine. The Masamune will absorb HPs from it. You will again have to fight Zeal. This time, concentrate on her head and do not worry about her hands. Once she is defeated, the Black Omen will fall into the sea, and Lavos is awakened.

You will now get a chance to power up your party and then fight Lavos. It will change attack modes many times. It begins as the Dragon Tank and ends on Giga Gaia. After you defeat its Giga Gaia attack mode, it will just be Lavos. You will be able to defeat that quite easily.

The Final Battle
Once you defeat that part of Lavos, you will enter its shell. Inside, there is a save spot and a Gate. You are free to take the Gate back to the End of Time and purchase any last minute items (Mid-Ethers, Full Ethers, Full Tonics, etc.). When you feel as if you are ready, go on.

You will fight Lavos again. Kill the Arms first and then give the head all you got. Again, Falcon Hit works great. Once that is defeated, you will have to fight the Core.

This is the hardest enemy of the game and defeating him can be quite tricky. First, kill the right Bit. The Core will soon shut off its defense, and when that happens, give the Core (the thing all the way to the right-trust me) all you got. Even when the right Bit is revived, just keep giving it everything you got. However, when the Core puts its defense back on, start all over. You may need to do this several times before you accomplish your task.

The party I preferred was Crono, Frog, and Ayla. I had Crono and Ayla use Falcon Hit first thing, which automatically kills the right bit. The Core would shut its defense off and I would keep using Falcon Hit. I had Frog use Heal when needed along with Mid-Ethers and other items whenever necessary.

Lavos' Core will do a different attack in different times. In 65,000,000 BC, it will use Grand Stone, which will be sure to knock a lot off your party. The second strongest attack is in 2300 AD. At Magus' Castle, it will cut your entire party's HPs in half. Good luck! If you have any questions, e-mail me at anytime. I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible with some help.

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