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Final Fantasy Characters


Terra Branford

"A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic…"

Terra is half-Human/half-Esper and was born with the ability (I would never consider it a gift) to cast magic. She was born to Madonna (Human) and Maduin (Esper) and lived her first two years in the Esper World.

Now, she is eighteen years old, stands at five feet seven inches, and weighs 105 pounds (which does not sound all that healthy to me).

Terra has always sensed that she was different and never felt as if she belonged. She was forced to become a Magitek Knight because of her awesome magic ability. She also has the Morph ability after she learns of her past and accepts herself.

Locke Cole
"Treasure hunter and trail-worn traveler, searching the world over for relics of the past…"

Locke is a thief, or, as he likes to refer, a treasure hunter. He dwells in his past and the woman he loved. In attempt to reconcile that past, he helps Terra and Celes.

He is now twenty-five, is five feet nine inches, and weighs just 147 pounds. His Steal ability will be useful in obtaining several different items.

Edgar Roni Figaro
"The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of machinery…"

Edgar is a quite lecherous young king and his lewd remarks are annoying. Despite that, he is a good fighter and his Tools technique will prove to be most useful.

He is now twenty-seven and took over the throne after his father died. He is six feet two inches and 169 pounds. Some of his past is also revealed through the course of the game.

Auto Crossbow Drill Bio Blaster Debilitator Flash Chain Saw Noise Blaster Air Anchor *If you need any help in finding any of these Tools,

Sabin Rene Figaro
"Edgar's twin brother who traded the throne for his freedom…"

Sabin will prove to be your best fighter, and his Blitz techniques are amazing! He left after his father died for freedom from royalty. He left to train with Duncan and became the great fighter he is.

He is stronger than his brother standing at six feet two inches and weighing 233 pounds.

Aura Bolt
Fire Dance
Air Blade
Bum Rush

"He awes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and goes like the wind…"

Shadow is mysterious and little is known about him. His dog, Intercepter (he was referred to as Reaper in Sabin's scenario), accompanies him.

Even his age is unknown. He is five feet ten inches and weighs 145 pounds. His Throw technique is useful in inflicting higher damages to your foes.

Cyan Garamonde
"Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of one hundred men…"

Cyan is one of my favorite characters in the game because he is the one with the most emotion behind him. He too dwells on his past and blames himself for all the wrongs in his life. In time, he will learn to let go.

He is an older man at fifty years old. He is married to a woman named Elayne and has a young son who adores him, Owain. He is five feet ten inches tall and weighs 158 pounds.

Cyan's Sword Techniques are great and there are eight in total:
Dispatch-Single attack
Retort-Single counter attack
Slash-halves an enemy's HP
Quadra Slam-4-stroke attack
Empowerer-Absorbs an enemy's HP/MP
Stunner-Multiple attack/casts Stop
Quadra Slice-4-stroke attack
Cleave-Dices up enemies

"Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving against all odds…"

Gau is like the Tarzan of FFIII. He does not speak in complete sentences and lives with the wild animals. His father pretty much abandoned him.

He has the abilities of Leap (only in the Veldt) and Rage. Leap makes him go off and learn an enemy's attacks while you are fighting. He will periodically come back.

Gau is still just a boy at only thirteen years old. He stands at five feet three inches and weighs 169 pounds (he obviously eats well). Although he probably will not be your favorite character, he will still be quite useful.

Celes Chere
"Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight, with a spirit as pure as snow…"

Celes is no ordinary woman. She can fight just as well (if not better) than any man. Once an Imperial General, she joins your party and becomes one of you when saved by Locke.

With both beauty and strength, it is no wonder why Locke never questioned bringing her along. She is still young (eighteen years old), is five feet ten inches, and weighs 165 pounds.

Her ability is Runic. She can absorb magic through her sword (not all swords will allow her to do this) so it does not hit your party. I only used this technique once when fighting Tunnelarmor with Locke.

Setzer Gabbiani
"A black jack playing, world traveling, casino dwelling free spirit…"

Setzer flies the skies in his airship. Flying and gambling are his passions. He loves beautiful women too and even pursues Celes.

His Slot ability is cool, but does not work all the time. He is still fairly young at only twenty-seven years old. He is five feet nine inches and weighs only 136 pounds (he needs to eat more).

Setzer too has the past of a lost loved one. His best friend (maybe girlfriend), Daryl, crashed, and her wreck was not found until one year later.

Strago Magus
"An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of monsters…"

Strago is an old man (seventy years old) whose ancestors are Mage Warriors. The people of his village, Thamasa, were exiled for their ability to use magic and some of it still remains.

He is very short and only stands at four feet eleven inches (even I am taller than that) and weighs just 94 pounds. He loves his granddaughter Relm dearly.

Strago has the Lore ability. His Lore is merely an Enemy Skill that must be learned from various enemies.

Clean Sweep
Aqua Rake
Blow Fish
Big Guard
Pearl Wind
Level Five Doom
Level Four Flare
Level Three Muddle
Level ? Pearl
Step Mine
Force Field
Sour Mouth
Pep Up
Grand Train

*If you want to know which enemies give you these skills, CLICK HERE

Relm Arrowny
"In her pictures, she captures everything: forests, water, light…the very essence of life…"

Relm is Strago's granddaughter. She is confidant and loves adventure. Relm is also persistent, for if she was not, she would never have joined your party.

She is only ten years old, but has a desire to grow up all too fast. She is five feet tall and weighs only 88 pounds (she needs to eat more too).

Relm has the ability to Sketch an enemy. It works quite well at times, but she still probably will not be your favorite character.

"Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing…Moogle…"

Mog is not only cute and cuddly looking, he can fight. There is not too much behind him as a character, but everyone loves Moogles.

Mog would be young if he was a person at only eleven years old, but I am not exactly sure of the life expectancy of Moogles (especially since they are fictional creatures). He is only four feet tall and weighs 94 pounds. His Dance technique is useful at times:

Wind Song
Forest Suite
Desert Aria
Love Sonata
Earth Blues
Water Rondo
Dusk Requium
Snowman Jazz

*If you need any assistance in learning the Dances, CLICK HERE

"Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a Sasquatch pal with muscle!"

Again, there is not much behind Umaro as a character. However, his strength is truly incredible. He stands at six feet ten inches and weighs 436 pounds!

"Shrouded in odd clothing, …is this a man…? …A woman…? …Or should we ask…?"

Gogo is by far the most mysterious character you will encounter in your journeys. Heck, it is not even known if it is male or female!

Its age is also unknown. Perhaps the only two things known about it are its height (five feet five) and its weight (132 pounds).

Gogo has the ability to Mime things. It will Mime the party member before it. For example, if you make Locke Capture and then make Gogo Mime, Gogo too will Capture.

General Leo
General Leo is the Empire's best general. He truly is a gentleman. He is compassionate, understanding, polite, honorable, courageous and intelligent. There are many words to describe Leo. On top of that, he is a good fighter. Although he is your enemy, he becomes your ally. However, is killed shortly after by Kefka. I really enjoyed him as a character.

Kefka is nothing but a greedy jerk (to say the least). He cares about nothing but his power. You will surely hate him from the very beginning.

Emperor Gestahl
Although Gestahl is the one who started this whole mess, he is not the one you will hate the most (that would be Kefka). He is power hungry but not nearly to the level Kefka is. Sure, he may want the Espers' power, but he is rational enough to not destroy the world he wishes to control.

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