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Final Fantasy III Hints and More


Expanded Lore List
It is quite a task to obtain all the Lores. I do not recommend it unless you really love fighting with Strago.

Reflect-Dark Force
Pep Up-Flan, Muus, and Junk
Exploder-Bomb, Grenade, Balloon, and Junk
Roulette-Dark Force, Veteran, Critic
Condemned-Veteran, Critic, and Still Life
Aqua Rake-Chimera, Rhyos, Enuo and Vectagoyle
Level Five Doom-Sky Base, Goblin, Doom Gaze, Didalos, and Dark Force
Stone-Brawler and Iron Fist
Step Mine-Pug, Mesosaur, and Grease Monk
Force Field-Doom
Level Three Muddle-Apokryphos, Goblin, and Dark Force
Clean Sweep-Enuo, Blue Dragon, and Dark Force
Revenge-Dragon, Pan Dora, and Dark Force
Sour Mouth-Mad Oscar and Evil Oscar
Aero-Doom Gaze, Sprinter, and Tyrannosaur
Level Four Flare-Apokryphos, Goblin, and Dueller
Pearl Wind-Peepers, Vectaur, and Dark Force
Blow Fish-Brain Pan, Phase, Cactrot, Presenter, and Mover
Level ? Pearl-Dullahan, Critic, and Dark Force
Quasar-Goddess and Dark Force
Grand Train-Hidon
Rippler-Dark Force
Dischord-Pipsqueak, Figaliz, and Iron Hitman
Big Guard-Mover, Dark Force, and Earth Guard

The first time I looked at the Lore List, the first thing that came to mind was the Veldt. Some of the above enemies can be found there (Flan, Muus, Bomb, etc.). However, many of them are found elsewhere. Some can be found in the Ancient Castle (Goblin, Enuo, and Figaliz). Some are found in the Light World or World of Balance (Chimera, Brawler, Apokryphos, Dragon, BrainPan, Pipsqueak). Dark Force does a lot. They are found in Kefka's Tower. As anyone can clearly see, obtaining all of Strago's Lores is not an easy task. Rather, it can be quite tedious.

Locating all the Tools
Most of Edgar's Tools can be purchased at Figaro Castle. These include the Auto Crossbow (which he has from the beginning anyway), Bio Blaster, Noise Blaster, Drill, Debilitator, and Flash.

The Chain Saw is received after putting in the correct time at the clock in Zozo. That time is 6:10:50.

The Air Anchor, Edgar's best Tool, can be found by pressing A at the right of the treasure chest of the first floor of the Fanatic's Tower.

Learning the Dances
The most difficult Dance to find is the Water Rondo. First, you will need to get Mog in your party in the Light World by saving him at Narshe. Next, go to Nikkeah, ride a Chocobo to Baren Falls, and jump in the Falls to Serpent Trench. Get into a fight (do not make the Mog Dance) and he will learn Water Rondo.

Wind Song can be learned throughout the grayish plains throughout the Dark World or World of Ruin.
Forest Suite can be learned in a forest.
Desert Aria can be learned in a desert.
Love Sonata can be learned in the Narshe Mines.
Earth Blues can be learned on the bridges of Mount Zozo.
Dusk Requium is one that you will already have.
Snowman Jazz can also be learned in the Narshe Mines.

Finding all the Espers
The first Espers you will receive are Ramuh, Siren, Stray, and Kirin. These are easy and given to you when you locate Terra in Zozo.

The next set of Espers is given to you at the Magitek Research Facility (MRF). These are Ifrit, Shiva, Maduin, Bismark, Shoat, Carbunkl, Phantom, and Unicorn.

The next Espers I shall mention are all found in the Dark World.

Sraphim can be purchased at Tzen (I am almost positive this can also be done in the Light World).

The next one you may get is Fenrir. You obtain it after defeating Phunbaba at Mobliz.

At Narshe, free Tritoch and he will give himself to you as Magicite. After you free Tritoch, jump down the cliff to find the Terrato Magicite.

Alexander (which the game abbreviates to Alexandr) is found after you do the Cyan's dream scenario (the dumb one where you have to defeat Wrexsoul).

Starlet can be obtained after you find Relm and defeat Chadarnook in Owzer's Mansion (Jidoor).

Once you build up large sums of gold, you can go to the Auction House in Jidoor and buy Zoneseek and Golem.

When you go back to Solitary Island (the tiny island where Cid and Celes lived for a year), you can find Palidor.

Odin can be found in the Ancient Castle. When you go down to the basement, you have the opportunity to trade Odin for Raiden (which I do not recommend).

In the Phoenix Cave (the one where Locke can be found), Phoenix is found.

After you retrieve Locke, he can open the locked doors in Narshe. Open the door to the weapon shop and the keeper will let you chose the Ragnarok Magicite or the Ragnarok Sword. I prefer the sword because I like to fight rather than cast spells.

Bahamut can be acquired after you defeat Doom Gaze.

The final piece of Magicite you are able to obtain is the Crusader Magicite. You will get this one after vanquishing all eight Dragons.

Locating the Eight Dragons
Storm Dragon-Mount Zozo
Ice Dragon-Narshe
Blue Dragon-Basement of the Ancient Castle
Red Dragon-Phoenix Cave
Dirt Dragon-Opera House
White Dragon-Third floor of the Fanatic's Tower (the tower in which you cannot fight and are forced to use magic)
Skull Dragon-Kefka's Tower
Gold Dragon-Kefka's Tower

The Banquet
Gestahl will claim that he has lost his will to fight and you will "feast and rejoice" with him. First, you will be sent to talk to his guards to convince them to stop the war. Then, you will be asked a series of questions. There is a point system to what you get when the Banquet is finished.

The Point System
You will get one point for each guard talked to for a total of twenty-four points. For every guard you fight, you will receive four points apiece for a total of twenty points. Therefore, before Emperor Gestahl begins drilling you with questions, you have already had the opportunity to earn forty-four points total.

The first question asked is what you wish to toast to. Toasting to the Empire will earn you one point, to the Returners one point, and your hometowns five points.

The next question is regarding what shall be done with Kefka. If you want to leave him in jail, you will earn five points. If you want to let him free, you earn a single point. Finally, if you say to execute him, you will earn three points.

Gestahl will apologize for what was done to Doma. You can come back with, "What's done is done" (one point), "That was inexcusable" (five points), or "Apologize again" (three points).

Next, Gestahl will assure you that Celes was never a spy. If you choose, "Was she a spy?" you will only earn one point while choosing "She's one of us" will earn you five points, and "We trust Celes" will earn you three points.

Now Gestahl will give you the opportunity to ask him three questions. If you ask each question, you will earn six points (two points each). Asking the questions twice will earn you ten points.

Then he will ask a question about the Espers. If you say that it has gone too far, you will earn five points. If you say that he is the one that unleashed their power, you will only learn two points.

He will then ask what question you asked first. Chose the correct one and earn an easy five points.

You will then be asked if you care to take a break. Saying no gets you one point. Saying yes will earn you two points. If you say yes and fight the guards, you will obtain five points.

You will then have the chance to ask Gestahl a question. If you ask him if all he really wants is peace, three points will be given. If you ask him if the war is really over, you will earn five points. If you ask if he is sincerely sorry, only one point will be acquired.

Finally, Gestahl will get down to business and ask you for your help in talking to the Espers. If you say yes the first time, three points will be earned.

That gives you the opportunity to earn ninety-three points. Ninety to ninety-three points earns you a Charm Bangle, Tintinabar, permission to the locked room to the east, withdraw of troops from Doma, and assurance that South Figaro is safe. Seventy-seven to eighty-nine points will earn you that minus the Charm Bangle. Sixty-seven to seventy-six points will give you that minus both items. Fifty to sixty-six points will only give you a withdraw of troops from Doma and assurance that South Figaro is safe. Finally, zero to forty-nine points will only assure you of South Figaro's safety.

Other FFIII tips and hints
If you opted for the Ragnarok Sword rather than the Magicite, you can bet it at the Coloseum in exchange for Illumina, the best sword in the game.

You can un-curse the Cursed Shield by fighting with it for 255 battles. To help lessen the effects of the Cursed Shield, you may want to equip the Ribbon. After the 255 battles, you will have the Paladin Shield, the best shield in the game.

Equipping the Offering with a Genji Glove will allow a person to strike eight times.

A good place to earn experience is the forest north of the Veldt where Tyrannosaurs can be fought. The less people you have in the party, the more experience will be learned, for it need not be shared. Equip the Experience Egg to double your experience for the person equipped with it.

If you need gold or Magic Points, fight in the strip of desert south of Maranda. There, you will fight Cactrot (10,000 GP and 10 Magic Points) or Hoover (10,000 GP and 5 Magic Points). Hoover's SandStorm and Crush are quite deadly so kill it fast with Ice 3. In addition, you will miss every time you attempt to hit Cactrot, so use something else (I believe Aqua Rake works, as does Throw and Blitz).

If any additional help is needed, or you have a tip that I neglected to leave off, e-mail me at

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