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FFVII Walkthrough: Part 1


Starting off
Final Fantasy VII starts out with you, Cloud Strife, jumping off a train to destroy the Number 1 Mako Reactor. Along with you are Barret Wallace, Wedge, Biggs, and Jessie (who obviously happens to have a crush on you). Before you set the bomb, you have one of many flashbacks. Set the bomb, free Jessie, and get out of there!

The bomb goes off and you are to meet with the rest of the crew by the train. On your way, you run into Aeris, the girl who will soon join you on your mission (which you do not even know yet). You escape some soldiers and hitch a ride on the train.

On the train, you talk a bit with Jessie. She goes over the setup of Midgar and the security system. Midgar is divided into eight sectors, each of them had individual names, but no one remembers them anymore and refers to them by number.

When your mission is accomplished, you and the others head back to the Avalanche Hideout. You meet up with Tifa (your childhood friend) and have a childhood flashback of the promise you made to save her one day.

Destroying the Number 5 Reactor
Your next mission is to destroy the Number 5 Reactor. Towards the end of this episode, you fall and are split up form the rest of your party (Barret and Tifa). You end up in a bed of flowers in a church and find yourself in the presence of Aeris, the flower girl you met earlier. You and her then make a deal: you will be her bodyguard in exchange for a single date.

Don Corneo
You go on to walk her home and then venture to the Sector 7 Slums to meet back with the rest of your party. However, you notice Tifa being carried away by the perverted pig, Don Corneo. To save her, you must pose as a woman to sneak into Don's Mansion. He reveals to you that Shinra is going to crush Sector 7.

After all is well (somewhat anyway), Don drops you in some scummy sewer system.

The annihilation of Sector 7
Once you get to the top, you notice some commotion. You try to go to the top of the tower to prevent the plate from crashing down. The plot steams up when you notice some of your allies dead: First Wedge, then Biggs, and lastly Jessie.

When you get to the top, it is already too late: the bomb is set. You, Barret, and Tifa rough up Reno and Aeris is kidnapped. You and your party swing on a rope to escape.

You hit ground and Barret is more than pissed. He thinks Marlene is dead, but actually, Aeris saved her. Go back to Aeris' house.

When you reach Aeris' house, Elmyra tells you a bit about Aeris' past: How fate brought the two together, how Aeris was always different, and how she is the last remaining Ancient and Shinra wants to use her as a lab-rat.

Shinra Building
Then you must sneak into the Shinra Building to save Aeris. You need to talk to everyone to obtain the needed keycards.

One the sixty-seventh floor, you see two of Shinra's specimens: Red XIII and Jenova. You save Aeris, are caught, and thrown in jail.

After you sleep, you notice your cell unlocked, the guards are killed, and all that there is left is a trail of blood. Follow that trail to the top. President Shinra too is dead. Sephiroth did this. He rescued his beloved mother and slaughtered practically the entire building.

After that, you leave the building, exit Midgar, and travel to Kalm.

At Kalm, there is a major (and very lengthy) flashback from five years ago…
You are on a train to your hometown, Nibelhiem, to check out the Mako Reactor. Tifa is your guide and you travel to the Reactor on Mount Nibel. Sephiroth learns that Jenova was made from Mako Energy; a mutant. He then begins to wonder is he too was produced in this fashion. He snaps and burns your entire town to a pile of ash.

You chase him down and, once you reach the Reactor, Tifa is there with her dad (who Sephiroth recently killed). She is enraged, picks up Sephiroth's sword, and hunts him down vindictively. He cuts her with the greatest of ease and you run in to help…

The Mithril Mines and Junon
After the flashback, you head off to the Chocobo Farm, the Mithril Mines, the Golden Bird, and then Junon (the Shinra Military Base). At Junon, you must first save Pricilla who accidentally (but with probable reasoning) confuses you with a member of Shinra. You are attacked by a monster and must defeat it. Unfortunately, Pricilla is injured and on the brink of death so you save her life by giving her CPR. She then rewards you by giving you some Summon Materia and the whistle so Mr. Dolphin can get you into the Shinra Base. You and the rest of your party then pose as members of Soldier/Shinra to get through. It is quite humorous because Barret looks like a marshmallow. You also learn that Hojo has disappeared and left a letter of resignation. Towards the end of this journey, you run into your old friend, Sephiroth. He leaves an enemy to keep you occupied.

Costa del Sol
Eventually, you hit Costa del Sol, a surfing town. Here you run into Hojo and he gives you a hint to go east. Go east through the mountain pass to reach Barret's hometown, North Corel.

North Corel and the Gold Saucer
At North Corel (an ex-coal mining town), you observe that everyone there is very hostile to Barret. He then reveals a little about his past…
Shinra came to the town to coax the people of North Corel to put up a new Mako Reactor. Barret's best friend, Dyne, was totally against the building of the Mako Reactor. Despite the one-man objection, Shinra put up the Reactor.

One day, there was an explosion in the Reactor and Shinra thought it was a rebellious movement set up by the people so the set the entire town of North Corel ablaze. Only three people of the town survived: Barret, Dyne, and Marlene. Barret lost his wife, Myrna, and Dyne lost his wife, Eleanor…

Your party then heads to the Gold Saucer where you meet Cait Sith. Once you venture to the Battle Arena, you notice there has been yet another mass killing. This time, however, you know it was not Sephiroth, for he would never use a gun. It was a man with a gun arm.

Of course, Barret and the rest of your party is accused. Dio, the man in charge of the Gold Saucer, has you thrown in the Desert Prison (Corel Prison). Here, more of Barret's story is revealed…
Four years prior, Dyne and Barret were on their way home from the Mako Reactor when they are informed of the burning town. They then attempted to see if anyone was still alive, but were attacked by Scarlet and a group of Soldiers. Dyne fell off the ravine and was saved by his good friend, Barret. While holding onto each other, both their arms were shot and Dyne plummets to the bottom.

Because of this, Barret lost use of his right arm. He eventually got his gun arm attached, mostly to get his revenge. Dyne survived the fall and got the same procedure done to his left arm…

Now there is a bit of dialogue between Dyne and Barret. Although I have never heard it mentioned, I got out of the story that Barret really is not the father of Marlene, Dyne is. Here are some quotes from Dyne that support my hypothesis:

"I got nothing left in this world:
"Eleanor's alone all by herself. I've got to take Marlene to her."
"Marlene wants to see her Mom, don't she?"
"Even if I did go to her now…
She wouldn't even know me…"
"These hands are a little to stained to carry Marlene anymore"

Dyne then gives you the Pendant and you are warped to Mr. Coates' trailer. Mr. Coates is the man in charge of all the prisoners. You show him the Pendant and he then gives you permission to attend the Chocobo Races at the Gold Saucer, your only way out. However, you first need a manager. Ester, a deranged looking woman, walks in coincidentally (sort of) and offers to help you out. Win the Chocobo Race and get out of there.

After you get out, Dio apologizes and gives you the buggy, or hovercraft. Next, head off to Gongaga. If you fight in the forest nearby, you may encounter Yuffie. You do not necessarily NEED her, but she gets you the Leviathan Summon Materia later.

The Gongaga Area
On entering Gongaga, you see Reno and Rude discussing their soap-opera-like love lives: Rude likes Tifa, Elena likes Tseng, and Tseng likes Aeris. You fight the two, but it was as if they knew you were coming. Is there a spy in the group?

Next, check out the ruined reactor. Scarlet waltzes in babbling about Huge Materia to create the Ultimate Weapon. Remember to search the reactor to pick up the Titan Summon Materia.

When you enter the town part, you hear the fist about Zack. You will also hear the many stories on the Mako Reactor explosion that killed many people. The town's people are still mourning over this.

Cosmo Canyon
Then you must head off the Cosmo Canyon. Red XIII is know as Nanaki, and he calls a one hundred thirty year old man, Bugenhagen, Grandpa. People go to Cosmo Canyon to learn the Study of Planet Life.

Here, you learn a lot about Red XIII. He thinks his mom was brave for attempting to fight off the Gi Tribe Attack and his dad a coward for running away. Red is the last of his race.

Bugenhagen then brings you to a cave. You go through it with Cloud, Red, and one other character of your choice. At the end, you will learn that Red's father was the great warrior, Seto. Seto protected the Canyon and does up to the present.

Nibelhiem and the Mansion
Your next stop: Nibelhiem. However, wasn't Nibelhiem burned to nothing? How can it still stand? Even the people think you are completely insane!

There, you will observe many Men in Black Capes. Talk to all of them (you will obtain some items by doing so). Most of them talk about the Reunion. Someone will then tell you Sephiroth is in the mansion, that is your next mission.

In the mansion, you will read a letter giving hints to find the numbers for the combination lock to open the safe.

The first clue: the treasure chest with the most oxygen. This is the treasure chest by the plants. If you still do not get it CLICK HERE.

The second: by the ivory short of tea and ray. The "ivory" stands for the piano (since the keys of a piano are made of ivory), "tea" stands for the tea table, and "ray" stands for sunrays. If you still do not get it CLICK HERE.

The third: by the creaky chair upstairs, left five, up nine, left two, and up again six. If you still do not get it CLICK HERE.

The fourth: pretty much given to you. If you still do not get it CLICK HERE.

Then, venture down to the basement. You will have another encounter with the one and only Sephiroth. He will say a few words and then chuck the Destruct Materia at you.

Walk into the library and check out the books (which are escape reports). Number One mentions that the escapees were located near Midgar. Number Two states (A) the former Soldier specimen did not have any noticeable reaction to the Mako Radiation Therapy or Jenova and (B) a reaction was observed later. Number Three mentions that the escapee was shot and still managed to get away. Finally, Number Four states that his location is unknown, but it does not matter any, for he has lost all memory.

Next, open that safe. There is a tough enemy but when defeated, it was more than worth it. You acquire the Odin Summon Materia, Cosmo Memory, and the key to the basement.

Go to the basement, unlock the door, and open the coffin. There is someone in there! Talk to him (Vincent) and he will tell you a short story…
The woman he loved and respected, the beautiful Lucrecia, was an assistant to Professor Gast. He did nothing but use her as a specimen and she eventually gave birth to Sephiroth (this is one of those twists that will make your head spin)…

Now, Vincent wants revenge against Hojo and joins you in hope of achieving his mission.

Mount Nibel and Rocket Town
Next, leave the mansion and go through Mount Nibel and walk to the Rocket Town (Shinra Number 26).

Talk to people and obtain some useful information. You will learn that the Captain (not Stevie Y) was going to be the first astronaut but the flight never got off. Make sure you first talk to Shera, then the Captain. You will find out his name is Cid, and that he treats Shera very negatively.

Go back down to Cid and Shera's house. Shera gives a flash back on why Cid is more a jerk than he was before…
A few years back, when Shinra still supported the space exploration program and there was a lot of talk about space, Cid was going to be the first astronaut ever. He would always yell at Shera for taking too long to check the Oxygen tanks. When the countdown was in effect, Cid got a warning that a mechanic, Shera, was still in the engine room. She was willing to give her life, but Cid could not live with being a murderer and canceled the mission…

Shinra comes in attempt to rob Cid of the Tiny Bronco (no relation with the Denver Broncos). You fight fat Palmer and he runs. However, (fortunately) he is hit by a semi-truck. You take off with the Tiny Bronco, pick up Cid, and then are shot down into the water. It is no longer a plane, but a boat that can only travel in shallow water.

Then, travel off to Wutai. On your way through the mountains, Yuffie stops you. All of the sudden, Shinra holds you up. However, they are not looking for you!? Yuffie then takes your Materia and heads for the hills. The diversion was successful, now walk to town.

In the Turtle Paradise Bar, you have a run in with the Turks. On entering the Materia-less Materia shop, you notice a treasure chest. Get it and Yuffie will come by and steal it.

Talk to everyone. You will learn that Da-chao, the water god, is etched in the mountainside. You will also observe Lord Godo's house and the Pagoda. In the Pagoda, dwell the five "Mighty Gods": Power, Speed, Magic, War, and Omni (the best of all four attributes).

Next, you walk into a house and chase Yuffie out. You will find her in the jar by the bar. She then gives in (yeah right!) and tells you to hit the left switch. Either one you hit, you end up losing.

After that, hit the gong by Godo's House and a door will open. You find out that Don Corneo has both Yuffie and Elena captured for his perverted self. You fight a few Soldiers and then make an alliance with the Turks to save the girls. Go to the place that stands out the most. If you do not get it CLICK HERE. You will eventually kill Corneo, save the girls, and get your Materia back.

Retrieving the Black Materia and the Temple of the Ancients
Your next mission is to retrieve the Black Materia at the Temple of the Ancients. First, head to Bone Village to get some more advanced equipment. After that, you need to find this little house by the Gold Saucer. The man inside gives you some info:
1.) You need the Keystone to enter the Temple of the Ancients.
2.) A man named Dio has the Keystone.

Go to the Gold Saucer to acquire the necessary item, the Keystone. To do so, you will need to fight in the Battle Arena to entertain Dio.

On exiting, the Tram is out of order and you will stay the night. During this episode, you go on a date with Aeris. First, you two perform in Event Square, for you are the one-hundredth couple. You play the role of Alfred and she plays the kidnapped Princess Rosa (a very chauvinistic play if I may add). You need to save her from the Evil Dragon King (EDK), Valvados. If you answer the questions one way, you will receive a kiss. If you are a big jerk, she will slap you. Most of the time she will remain neutral.

After that, you will run into Cait Sith, who just gave the Keystone to Tseng. HE IS THE SPY!!! You can do nothing, for he is holding Marlene hostage.

You, along with Aeris and one other, go off to the Temple of Ancients (it looks somewhat like a pyramid). There, you see Tseng hurt, critically hurt. You get the Keystone and place it one the altar.

Next, you will play the Clock Game. CLICK HERE. for some hints.

After you obtain the key from stopping that little, annoying person, you will see the room with the murals.

In the room with the murals, Cloud begins to go mad. You learn of the Ultimate Destructive Materia, Meteor. Sephiroth plans to use this powerful magic for evil, but first, he needs you to aid him in retrieving the Black Materia. Once he uses Meteor, the Planet will try to repair itself with Spirit Energy. Sephiroth will be the center, receiving the Spirit Energy all to himself. He will become a god and rule the Planet with his mother, Jenova.

Somehow, you need to get out of the Temple of Ancients with the Black Materia. The only problem being, once it is small enough to take out, you will be smashed into bits.

Cait Sith then call you up and save the day: he offers to sacrifice his stuffed body to help you obtain the Black Materia. Cait Sith even reads your fortune. He claims to foresee the compatibility between you and Aeris. You two end up being perfecto for each other.

You obtain the Black Materia and Sephiroth comes and claims to be even more "far superior" to the Ancients. You snap and give your enemy the ability to destroy everything by surrendering the Black Materia. You then become even crazier and cannot recall your incompetent action. You strike Aeris, and Cait Sith Number Two comes along. Aeris leaves.

The rest of Disc One
You awake with Tifa and Barret waiting at your side. You fear that you will "lose it" again once Sephiroth crosses your path. Fortunately, your good friends encourage you to continue.

Voyage back to Bone Village, dig for the Lunar Harp (which could take many tries to finally find), and wake the Sleeping Forest. In the second screen of the Sleeping Forest (the one where it says that you just awoke the Sleeping Forest), the Kjata Summon Materia will be bouncing around. Go through to the mushroom thing.

In the mushroom thing, there are three paths in which you can take. First, take the one to the left to get your treasures. Then go right. The path then Ys: keep right, get the chest, and come back out. Take the next Y to the right and sleep. Go back to the original three paths and take the middle.

You see Aeris and run to her. Sephiroth controls you once again. You draw your sword as if you were going to kill Aeris. As Tifa and Barret stop you, Sephiroth jumps down. He thrusts his sword right through Aeris, killing her in cold blood right before your eyes. Her Materia bounces down into the water and Jenova calls you a puppet. You then carry Aeris' dead, limp body and place it in the water to drift down to the bottom…


Walkthrough: Part 2
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