Project Gun #1 S&W Victory Model .38S&W |
A number of Crufflers have expressed an interest in the "Tinkerer's Kits" being sold by Sarco. The advertisement describes the item as "DESCRIPTION HERE"
When you open the package from Sarco, this is what greets you. The small parts and springs are in a separate plastic bag.
This is what it looks like after taking the parts out of the bag. Note the painted number "1" near the cylinder release hole, and a painted letter "S" on the sideplate. You can sort of see the worn painted finish on the parts.
In this picture, you can see the wear in the finish on the right side of the barrel. There are spots where the paint is completely gone and the metal shows through.
This is an attempt to show the bore on the pistol barrel; It was very dirty when it arrived, but now is very shiny after a quick cleaning.
Picture shows wear on right side of frame near sideplate and trigger area.
Picture showing wear on the cylinder and yoke.
Picture of the small parts (there are a couple of screws missing from the picture; they are already installed in the frame
Stocks are in relatively nice condition; the "S&W" medallion is inserted on each stock.
This is what it looks like when it's put together; After refinishing, it should look a lot better.
Lee Enfield Carbine Page
JGA Karabiner Page
Nagant Reloading Info Page
GEW 98 "Duffle Bag Rifle"
Webley Mark IV page
Remington Rolling Block Rifle page
Remington Model 14 Slide Action Rifle page
I'll update this page once I get some work done on this project.
Last updated 7/29/2001