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Strait's Antique Tractors

Eastern Upper Peninsula Antique Equipment Association

Rules Directions and Map

    The Eastern Upper Peninsula Antique Equipment Association was formed many years ago in the hopes that the heritage of farming and the men and women who farmed would be remembered. The members of the Association are dedicated to keeping this spirit alive.
    The Association members welcome you to any of the events and hope that you bring your family and enjoy the Farm tractors and other equipment along with the fellowship of other tractor enthusiasts.
    If you have any questions or need more information please e-mail me at .
    Thank You, Scott

    Eastern Upper Penninsula Antique Equipment Association

2006 Antique Pulling Schedule (Posted as soon as available!)

Eastern Upper Penninsula Antique Equipment Association

Pulling Rules

1. Violation of any of the following rules or unsportsman like activities shall be cause for disqualification. Any evidence of drugs or alcohol will call for disqualification. Judges decisions are final.

2. Pulling order will be determined by assignment. A tractor may pull   twice in the same class with a different driver only if the weight transfer sled is used. A tractor may pull only once in the same class if the stone boat is used.

3. Tractor and engine must be brand name manufactured before 1961.

4. Each tractor is allowed two (2) pulls if time permits. The first puller in each class will be the test puller. If in the event that pull is a full pull, the weights will be adjusted and the same tractor will re-pull immediately.

5. No modified governer controls. No more than 10% RPM over manufacturers recommendation.

6. Drawbar must be rigid in all directions. It may be adjustable by use of turnbuckles or leveling bolts. The drawbar shall be no higher than 18 inches and must extend beyond the rear wheel.

7. Drivers must obey the flagman. One hand must be on the steering wheel when pulling and the driver must be seated at all times. No bouncing.

8. Drivers must have his/her tractor out of gear when hitching or unhitching. Driver must start with a tight chain.

9. Drivers age must be at least 14 years of age. A written permission slip from a parent or guardian is needed for those pullers 14 through 17 years of age.

10. All weights must be safely secured to the tractor using only factory manufactured weights in original position on the tractor. No suitcase weights allowed.

11. Safety. Judges will determine if the front end of the tractor is rising above a safe point.

12. Hitching device. Each driver must have his/her own horizontal clevis and/or hitching device with a minimum 3" (inch) opening.

13. Rim sizes: Maximum weight         Maximum Rim Size
                        2500 lbs                                10"
                        3500 lbs                                11"
                        4500 lbs                                12"
                        5500 lbs                                13"
                        6500 lbs                                14"
                        8500 lbs                                18"
Shaved or sharpened tires can pull for exhibition only and must pay the registration fee

14. Weigh in. All tractors must weigh in before and immediately after he/she pulls. A tractor and driver can be 1% over the maximum weight in the class. Weigh-in must be verified by a club member.

15. Tractors must weigh at least the minimum of hi/her weight class.

16. Pulling classes: 

Antique Class Tractors manufactured through 1940  

Classic Class Tractors manufactured 1941 through 1961

17. Weight Classes

                    Antique Class                    Classic Class
                   0       to    2500 lbs           0        to    2500 lbs
                2501     to    3000 lbs        2501     to    3000 lbs    
                3001     to    3500 lbs        3001     to    3500 lbs
                3501     to    4500 lbs        3501     to    4500 lbs
                4501     to    5500 lbs        4501     to    5500 lbs
                5501     to    6500 lbs        5501     to    6500 lbs
                                                        6501     to    8500 lbs

18. Antique class tractors may pull in the classic class.

19. Registration fee: $10.00 per class/pull.

20. Any tractor that doesn't conform to the stated rules may pull for exhibition upon approval by the safety committee and payment of entry fee (one time only).

21. The pulling sled has been updated with an electronic ground speed and measuring device. A safe and controlled speed will be enforced at all events.

Map to Rudyard and Kinross. Rudyard is exit 373 and Kinross is exit 378 off of I-75 in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula

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Pulling Schedule
Date / Time Location Club