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   »BSB Concert  Review
   »411 On Me
   »My Thank Yous




Yeah, i should of put this a looong time ago hehe. well now u knoe where i sat! i was close.

One of the things my aunt bought me at the concert. Doesn't it look dope?

Okae you might not believe me but dude...I DID go to the concert and oh my kicked mutha phuckin major azz dude...sorrie for the profanity but dude it was reallie tight...imma tell u everything that happened...i knoe you won't wanna hear my crappy life but u jus gotta knoe why i missed a few performances...sooo there's eight of cousin, my cousin's mom, my cousin's friend(he's a guy and u might know him from the anaheim concert), my cousin's mom's friend and his 2 daughters and niece. Yeah that was hella...okae newayz...we ate out before drivin to the concert soo it was like 6 and im like "duddee its already 7:00 lets go!!!" i was reallie psyched sorrie were on the freeway listening to the millennium cd while the one dude (who should remain nameless sowwie people) kept talkin bout bsb like non-stop it was we're in the wood(inglewood) and we're driving to the forum...and guess who we get stopped by...peeps sellin bsb shirts...9.9 offense but i wouldn't buy bsb not like that...a car in front of us stopped so we gotta wait for their freakin car to move and they were all buying bsb shirts...after they bought them, they jus put the shirts right like dang dude...
So we're at the parking lot now waiting to get a parking spot...still traffic...My cousin's friend was standing out of the window and was all "BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!" and then when we stopped...there was this van of girls inside and then he was all like "BACKSTREET BOYS!!!" and the girls all screamed...then he was like "Scream if you like nick carter" all the girls scream. He asked them if they like A.J. McLean...all the girls scream...he asks if they like Kevin Richardson...A few was soo sad...but dude i was laughin soo hard when he started askin that. Then he told everyone to "Honk for Backstreet" a few cars honked. It was sooo tight. He took out his "Howie" sign and was like "HOWIE!!" LOL. No he doesn't like Howie but he's his fav. Everyone was like YEAAH!...dude we weren't even in the forum yet and it was still fun.
Okae so now we're in the forum. When I saw the seats...I was like "NO WAY...we are not sitting here!!!!" I was soo freakin excited. I had reallie close seats...not floor ones but reallie dope ones..I hate to say this but since we were stuck in the traffic jam...We didn't see Mandy Moore perform...I was reallie mad cause i reallie wanted to see her sing her single "Candy" since i never heard it before...EYC was performing. They were alright i guess...they were singing "Where my Girls At?" and "My Name Is" I couldn't help it, I had to scream out "MY NAME IS Wha" and "WHERE MY GIRLS AT!?" I like that song "This thing called love" it's coo but i still don't reallie like them...So after they left and after a few minutes...they showed the bsb commercial for sears on the huge screens...and everyone was screaming...after that people started screamin again cause they saw Sinbad...if u knoe him...then they started screamin AGAIN...cause they found out that bsb are in this lil black box. A dude jumped up( i think it was nick) and waved and everyone started screaming...then someone walked out of the box and they saw like an arm of someone and they started screamin again and im like "uhh okae..."
After that the lights were off, the star wars theme song played,smoke was comin out of the box, and the dancers came out with these light sticks...they placed them on the pentagon shaped stage and then the the bsb were comin out of the box verryy slowwly...we all screamed i was like "OH MY GOD ITS THEM!!!" yeah im lame hehe...The dancers helped them take off the cable wire stuff that was hooked on them and then they all standed in a straight line lookin all serious then they showed each of them on the screen...When they showed A.J. on the screen...I screamed soo freakin loud...I think i made my cousin deaf...when they showed kevin on the screen lookin all serious it looked like he was lookin at me and im like "DDDDUDDE!!!"...then he pointed and it looked like he was pointing at me...I could jus imagin him say "I want you." Thaz why I screamed hehe...I screamed for him too. They started the show off wit "Larger Than Life". And it was jus wow...dancing to the music...and everything...the next song was "Get Down" and thaz when im dancing a hella lot...i dunno why i don't reallie like that song. When A.J. was rappin his part i sang it too...dang i was jus hyped...
Sorrie to say this but...I forgot the rest of the order...but i do know the's the songs that i forgot the order was..this is as close as I can remember:

Get Down(You're The One For Me) How can I forget the dopest song in the concert!? I was dancing my ass off that song!
The One
The Perfect Fan
Don't Want You Back
Don't Wanna Lose You Now
Spanish Eyes
As Long As You Love Me
Quit Playin' Games With My Heart
No One Else Comes Close
All I Have to Give
Kevin's Piano Solo
Back To Your Heart
All in a mix
We've Got It Goin' On
Everybody(Backstreet's Back)
That's The Way I Like It
Mix Ends
I'll Never Break Your Heart

I think "The One" was the next was coo cause I danced and sang along sooo wutevaz...after that they started to introduced theirselves. A.J. said somethin like "All the pretty ladies in L.A." and "I might have to move here." Everyone started screaming...I started screaming! Everytime I saw A.J. on that screen, I screamed the whole place down...Okae i'm exaggerating, but A.J. must of heard me! HAHA yeah sure. Howie came out and said that this was the best place they performed...I think...the others I forgot sorrie...
Now this is when I forget everything...I am soo not sure but I think the next song was "No One Else Comes Close" or "Don't Wanna Lose You Now"...Whatevers the performances were coo All I did was sing and danced to it...thaz mostly what i really did though...
Next was "As Long As You Love Me" and you know i was singing and dancing wit my cousin and her friend. After the song the dancers did that chair routine thing...they do it reallie coo...Now I don't remember what's next...uh...I think it was "Quit Playin Games" or "The Perfect Fan"...I'll explain both..."Quit Playin Games" was coo...when they were singin it they took a lil break and started flying and was singing a remix of "Quit Playin Games". They were all throwing stuffed animals...It kinda sucked cause where I was sitting at was lined up with a side of the pentagon and they were flying through the corners of the pentagon so I didn't get to hold any of their hands and get a stuffed animal...I was more close to Kevin when he was flying.
They(BSB) brought out 5 fans and their mothers. One fan was sooooo young and cute. The fan and her mother were sitting down on the stage and Kevin was sitting next to her. He asked her "What's your name?" "Are you enjoying the show?" and stuff like that hehe, and then he smiled at was soo cute. They all performed "The Perfect Fan" and each bsb was walkin each fan around the stage. Brian's girl was the height of him and it looked like they were really a couple.
"Don't Want You Back" was coo. They had these pole/ladders out and they were all on it. Kevin was hangin upside down on the pole/ladder. I couldn't see Nick. A.J. was jus into the song. Brian and Howie, I dunno hehe.
"Spanish Eyes" was coo too. They were all sitting down on stools on the circular thingie and started singing. I was lookin at the screen cause it was Brian, or Howie...uh I forgot...But when I looked back down at the stage I saw Kevin lookin at where I was sitting. And I was bout to wave to him but he looked at another direction! I was like "Noooooo!"...Hmm...he looked the other way when I saw him lookin at me...(well i dunno if he was lookin at me)...could that be a sign?!??!Yeah right hehe. Then the circular thingie started to rotate.

They performed a mix of their songs, I can't remember the order tho. Should be "We've Got it Goin On", "Everybody", and "That's the Way I Like It". "That's the Way I Like It" Was the tightest song they performed! AHHAAHHA! The dance was sooo freaky dude. They were singing it right? BSB and the guy dancers on the left and the girl dancers at the right then while the bsb were singing they're all gettin freaky wit the girl dancers. Like when Nick sang and was dancing wit a girl dancer, the girl was on the floor and Nick pretends he's spankin her! i was like "HAHAHAHA!! DAAAMN!!". While A.J. was singing, he jus got his groove on wit the dancers nothin freaky.
It was silent for a few minutes, and Kevin came out sitting on a piano playin his solo. Woowwww it was soo sweeeet. After the solo the other boys came out and sat down on the band's part of the stage and sang "Back to Your Heart". My cousin's friend had these Christmas lights(If you were at the Anaheim Concert(10/14) You may of saw him with white Christmas lights and swinging them around too) and we started waving our arms to the music and we had the lights in our hands. Unfortunately, they DIDN'T see us! Hehe. It was fun tho.
You know I was surprised to see them sing "I'll Never Break Your Heart" in SPANISH!! I was like "DOOPE!!!!!!!!" Then after the first chorus they start singing it in english hehe.
This was like the best slow song they sang...well beside "Back To Your Heart". After singing "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely", they(BSB jus to remind u again) start ballroom dancing with the girl dancers. It was tiiiight. Kevin was like the best out of all of them. Since he is a ballroom dance instructor or wutever hehe.After the performance, they said "We love you good night." All of us stayed there and a few people were leaving. Then BSB came out and the fans start coming back. I started laughin.
They sang "It's Gotta Be You". During the song, the BSB introduced to us the dancers and singers. Each BSB introduced a guy dancer, a girl dancer and a band member. During the introducing stuff, Brian had a basketball and he was all dribling it and spinning it on his finger. Hehe that was dope. The guy dancer and girl dancer started battling and shiet. After introducing them, Nick introduced a dude in a black hood jacket..."MC D." aka Howie. AHAHAHHA!! It was soo funnie when Howie was rapping. Hella dope, but i must say he raps reallie well. They continued all of "It's Gotta Be You". The BSB and the dancers all joined hands and were bowing on each side of the pentagon. Then they were all sayin "Goodnight L.A.!!!" it was more convincing, but we still stayed there and more people were leavin. Then they came back(LOL).
The last song, "I Want It That Way" was coo. Nothin special. It was jus a relaxing song...And NOW it was forealz...fireworks were exploding and they all said "Goodbye" and "We love you guys!". All of them steped down inside the stage and then A.J. jumped out of the stage and ran out of the forum.
All I gotta say is if you didn't have any tickets to the were missing on a reallie tight azz concert.
When we all walked out of the auditorium, I was like reallie deaf. I could barely hear a thing. Then i got my hearing back when we were driving home hehe. After the show all 8 of us went to buy some shiet. And dude the merchandise was hella expensive...BSB shirt, $35.00-$40.00 . A small lil pin-up, $5.00, lil buttons of the bsb, $10.00, A huge-azz tourbook, $15.00...bsb, priceless...hehe sorrie i jus had to say it since i sounded like a Master Card commercial. The huge azz tourbook and the pin-up's price was fairly good but the shirts and pin-buttons were a lil to expensive. My aunt bought me a pin-up, the huge-ass tourbook, and a Nick pix(for my friend). They were also giving out these bsb postcards out. I had like 2 of them and i accidently droped them on the floor and they were gone. My cousin had a lot too but fans jus took them like it was nothin. We all ended up only with one. Pissed me off. I jus wish i had another ticket to cousin's friend was soooo lucky...he got to see them 3 times!!! The anaheim concert(10/14) and the two L.A. concerts. I still can't believe I was breathing the same air and was in the same room with BSB. This was the BEST birthday present my cousin and her mom ever gave me. If your reading this, THANK YOUUU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! Okae i'll stop the blabbing...I hope you didn't get bored out of my bsb concert review...well me outz buh bye!!!!