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   »BSB Concert  Review
   »411 On Me
   »My Thank Yous




And you say that I'm selfish...PsSSshhHH!!!Yeah I got lotz of peeps to thank. Okay maybe a few. Blah.
Hehe isn't this the cutest thing you ever seen?

My Thank Yous

  • My Family-(Mom)-For getting us aol (Dad)-For not cancelling aol.Hehe(Bro)-Telling me my page looks coo

  • My Friends-For visiting my site hehe.

  • Da Phat Farm-Helping me out on a few html shiz.

  • Diana's Devine Designs-Letting me use her designs for my webpage.

  • The people who came to visit my site and signed the guestbook.

  • The creator of "The Sanrio Playground"-For hookin me up wit the animation program

  • To all the Aaliyah, A.J, and BSB webpages-For letting me use and putting their pix and banners up on my page. Without them, I wouldn't have a page!

  • AzNQtZ4Me-For helping me out on soooo much html and not getting mad at me for bugging ya sowwie for that again! ^_^ Visit her site jus click this link:BaD To Da BoNe
  • And Special special thanx to Jan aka Sweet JC for hookin me up wit the html, a few of them A.J. pix, helping me out on everything, motivating me to keep workin on this webpage, complimenting on my webpage and to cont. workin on it(kinda like the 4th thing =P)which helped me a hella lot, and hooking me up wit the javascript stuff. Without all of this I would not have a webpage wutsoeva. You've been a dopeazz friend to me and I thank you for it. Keep workin on the page cause it's lookin tight everytime you update it. And forget bout that scrub(and you knoe who I'm talkin bout)He's nothin. Newayz...buh bye talk to you later! Peassh!

  • Please visit her site: Jannie's LiL Bahay

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