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   »BSB Concert  Review
   »411 On Me
   »My Thank Yous




Sick of me already well...blah...okae so your here for the links I'm not stopping don't like me I don't care...¬.¬...okae I do care...PLLEASSE PLEASEEE DON'T LEAVE !!!PPLLEASSE!!!WAAAHH!!!!Nah J/P newayz...could you do me a favor? Sign the guestbook before you leave...*knows they're not gonna do the favor* Thanx okae on wit the links...oh yeah if ya don't mind imma put some banners up too.

Don't worry they'll be more...those links are the ones I've been to and/or the best ones I've been to. Here are a few bsb links you might enjoy.

Click here

Da Phat Farm

If you don't have a sense of humor, don't click. It's a BSB Humor site and a mighty funnie one

You'll never guess what it says on A.J.'s shirt in that pix

Backstreet Bliss

The Psychic Pokemon Connection