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Welcome to Horsefeathers!

Today's Quote

"I'd rather shoot myself, if it's all the same to you." -From Laurell K. Hamilton's book, Guilty Pleasures. My favorite character, Edward, says this in totall seriousness... you AD:VH fans out there know what I'm talkin' about! Since I like this quote so much, it's gonna stay there awhile...

Okay, I know it's been awhile... and no, I really don't have a good reason for being here today [Nov. 14th, 2000]... I just really felt like updating. I'm still toying with the layout of this place... as you can see, it has changed... again... well, at any rate, it's getting easier to get lost in, hey?

[I'd just like to take a minute or three out of my day to thank Lejes the Saint of Justice, no relation to myself, for not only putting up with me, but telling me the secret of the Midi. You may have noticed that my page is now set to music... unless you have no speakers or have them on mute, or I have somehow screwed it up and it isn't working, which is likely. The Midi on this page is, or should be, Africa by Toto... please, do not be alarmed, you haven't heard the Karma Chameleon Midi by Boy George yet... oops, did I say that out loud? Of course not, since I'm online. Well, anyways, thanks Lejes, couldn't have made my page sing and dance without ya. -Justice]

New Stuff

Stuff that is new to this realm and has been recently added. [I'd liek to thank a good friend of mine who pointed out that my HTML sucks and that this link was totally useless. As I have said many times, if there is a link that doesn't work, email me and bitch. I like to keep my page moving like a well-oiled machine, or whatever, and in order for me to do that, I need you guys out there to tell me if something doesn't work. Thank you, Freya, for having the guts to yell at me for not actually having a working link... to all the rest of you out there, it actually works now, I fixed it. -Justice]

These are things that are relatively new. By "relatively new," I mean they are the most recently added material to this page.

Not-So-New Stuff

Things that have been a part of this realm for awhile now.

These are things that are not entirely new. By "not entirely new," I mean they have been here for at least a few updates or so.

Other Stuff

Things that are from outside this realm.

These are pages and material that are made by someone other than myself. It contains things that have been submitted to my page [Nothing as of yet] and links to other sites.

When Stuff Came Into Being

Things that this realm has been subjected to. Please note: This link is not functioning yet. It will be soon!

This is just an old quotes and past updates page... fun stuff, I guess...

Horsefeathers! is © to Justice FrostWolf, 1999, 2000. No part, nothing may be copied without the permission of the creator or creators of the material contained herein. All art is either © to Justice or is used with permission, with the exception of the "Hell of Beautiful Men," where image creators are given credit but permission to use said pictures was unavailable at the time the gallery was put together. Midis are used without permission but are © to their respective creators. For more specific copyright information, please feel free to contact Justice FrostWolf, webmistress, at the below email address.
