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Horsefeathers Stuff

These are the things to be found on my site... they're pretty much in order of upload. Hope you like this stuff. If not, tough. Can't say I didn't try.

Things of Interest

Fun stuff, no matter who (or what) you are!

Lightbulb Jokes for Dog Lovers. Lots of laughs here, people!

Tribes of the Werehorses A sort-of tribebook for the werehorses of Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

The Words of Elders This is an IC (In Character) page-type-thing. It is a number of speeches and stories of Garou and Shifter lore, compiled and preserved by a Werewolf character named Puppetmaster.

Musings of a Khan-ikthya This is a song/poem that is written from the point of view of a weretiger character from White Wolf's game Werewolf: the Apocalypse. The character/author, Butchers-Cattle, was once a respected Feline breed Khan. Now, he has turned to evil, becomeing a Khan-ikthya, and has revised his Song of the Tiger Tribe. It's pretty sad, but very true. ((Butchers-Cattle and the song/Poem Song of the Tiger Tribe are © Justice, 1999, 2000.))

You Might Be From Michigan If... A fun look at us Mighiganders. I don't know who wrote this (not me) so I can't give credit... sorry.

Things we'd like to see the X-Men do... X-Men humor at it's best! Again, I don't know who wrote this... not me. Sorry...

Horse of a Different Color Humorous screenplay by me, Justice! It's a write-up of what television would be like if I ran the shows...

Horsefeathers! is © Justice, 2000. No part, NOTHING can be copied without the expressed permission of Justice FrostWolf. Thank you.