~Eclectic Fanfiction~

I am Colby, and I welcome you to my small venture into the world of fanfiction. I have very diverse interests, thus resulting in my production of fics from many different fandoms. Within these pages you will find stories based on anime, TV shows, books, and more; as well as some of my original work.

The genres encompass general Fan Fiction, Slash (fanfic in which same sex characters are in relationships), RP (fic about real people, not just the characters they play), and RPS (real people slash). Each fandom and what it contains will be clearly marked, so as not to let anyone stumble upon something they do not want to read.

Obligatory Caution: If you are offended by any of this, I ask you to please leave now. I will not be held responsible for the actions of those who find themselves sickened/in trouble/etc, for viewing this site. You have been warned.

Use the side bar to navigate through the site, simply click on the fandom you want to read from. If you'd like to email me with questions, feedback, or declarations of your unabiding passion for me, please feel free to do so. My email address is colbyucb@hotmail.com and I always love comments and/or critisism.