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     Iraklion is the largest city on the Island of Crete with a population of over 120,000. Iraklion is located on the central northern shore of the island of Crete.  Irkalion (also known as Herakilon) is the capital of Crete.  It has an international airport and a harbor with ferries that travel between Irkaion and mainland Greece.  Most visitors stay in hotels on the outskirts of Irkalion.  The Most famous tourist attraction in Iraklion is the Palace of Konossos.  Irkalion is a concentrated urban town, here you will find congested urban traffic, and a bustling harbor. 


Downtown Irkalion

Palace of Konossos

  The Palace of Konossos is known as the most remarkable historical attraction on the Island of Crete.  It is located a few miles south of the city and in range of bus and taxi service.   The most notable attraction at the palace are the wonderfully preserved ruins that are located here.  Another notable attraction you will notice at the Palace is the world's first flush toilet!. You will also notice the beautiful Cretian art which is located in side the palace

Cretian Art display at the Palace of Konossos



Other Attractions in Iraklion

     There are many interesting things to do while you stay in Iraklion.  As mentioned above the Palace of Konossos is probably the main historical attraction in the City.  Other things that you may want to do while in Irkalion include visitiong the square of Elefteriou Venizelou, which is a pedestrian area full of cafes and restaurants . Visit the restored Venetian church of Agios Markos where they hold concerts in the summertime.  The archeological museum is the best on Crete and contains Minoan relics from all over the island. There is a huge fortress in the harbor built by Venetians that protected the town from invasion. Throughout the city there are examples of Venetian architecture and it  is a pleasure to explore, especially in the off-season when the temperatures are cooler and they crowds have dwindled.


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