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     Malia is a coastal city located on the north shore of the Island of Crete.  As you can see on the map above, Malia is in close proximity to Iraklion (called Iraklio in the map.) Malia is known by many people as the "ultimate party city".  Malia also has it's drawbacks, it is very geared toward tourism so alot of the Greek/Cretian culture is masked.  Malia is comparable to a Caribean resort. 


 Pleasure Beach at Malia


 Attractions in Malia

       One of the hottest resorts to visit on your stay in Malia is Pleasure Beach.  Pleasure Beach is a tropical resort that offers a wide variety of entertainment and amenities.  On your stay at Pleasure Beach you may enjoy a wide variety of watersports such as parasailing, surfing, and jet ski rentals.  As you can see from the picture above the beach looks very crowded, but the water has a clear blue hue.  If you are interested in learning more about Pleasure Beach Click HereClick Here.

Cretian Family Restaurant

   If you are looking for fine Greek food on your stay in Malia, then look no farther than the Cretian Family Restaurant. This resturaunt specializes in traditional Greek cuisine and serves a variety of adult beverages. If you are lucky then you may enjoy some free live music while you dine at the Cretian Family Restaurant. If you would like to visit the website for the Cretian Family Restaurant and Resort then Please Click Here.


Links For  Cities in Crete




 Links to Cities in Crete


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