Rocanadeva Dasa Brahmacari
Meditation and Yoga Studio
Hindu Group Stirs a Debate Over Yogas Soul
The 3 types of yoga: Yoga: bodily exorcises, Asana's and sitting postures, Jnana: empirical knowledge, bhakti: devotional service. Yoga means to link with the supreme:
Factually the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of all self-realization. Consequently, the goal of all auspicious activities -- karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti -- is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.31.13
Someone may open an ashram or a school and teach these methods, as it would not be unreasonable as to be under the legal care of ownership. I dont see the connection of actually having ownership over any asana's or method of yoga or linking with the supreme or Vedic wisdom or knowledge. Someone may formulate something that's one thing, but the original is the one to accept not anything manufactured as Srila Prabhupada would put it as "cheap" or "Your lucky in America so called Gods are not manufactured, in India these so called Gods come out practically everyday. God is not manufactured in mystic yoga factory but God is God".
Srila Prabhuada has also pointed out in this age yoga is not actually possible to practice in this age. One has to go to a secluded place in Forrest, sit on a asana in a specific way and actually stop the breathing process by prana yana. hToday socalled yoga studio is teaching a form of yoga of bodily exorcises as its main benefit is health, nowadays yoga is medicine. The bodily asanas were originally recommended to purify the life airs within the body as to raise the living force to higher chakras. Canto 7: The Science of God Chapter 15: Instructions for Civilized Human Beings Śrīmad Bhāgavatam SB 7.15 Summary
SB 7.15.1: Nārada Muni continued: My dear King, some brāhmaṇas are very much attached to fruitive activities, some are attached to austerities and penances, and still others study the Vedic literature, whereas some, although very few, cultivate knowledge and practice different yogas, especially bhakti-yoga.
The reason I created this page is that I see a great need as I am also a pain suffer due to a back injury and have been treating my condition for the last 15 years in a holistic satvic way, I am now currently under the care of a physician and prescribed an inflammatory and pain medicine.
Please be careful, real yoga is linking with the supreme. All the paths lead to this conclusion ultimately. purification of the mind and the senses then with the purified mind and senses engage in devotional service (Bhakti). Its a way of life to the way one eats, thinks, meditates, moderate in sleeping and recreation etc even the way to raise a family. its all recommended in the Vedanta as to how human society should act and become purified to be prepared to finally get out of illusion and return to eternity in transcendence the spiritual world beyond the maha tatva which we are currently situated.
Hatha yoga pradipika
Physical Therapy Exercises & Stretches for the Neck Muscles Upper Shoulder & Upper Neck Exercise
Physical Therapy Stretches for the Neck Squeezing Shoulder Exercises for Neck Physical Therapy
Yoga Stretch For The Middle Back (Thoracic Spine) - Spine Flex
YOGA ROUTINE for upper/ mid back strength
Hatha Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain - 57 minutes
YOGA FOR PAIN IN NECK AND BACK Light exercises for the neck: Sit straight and turn the neck towards the right and touch the right shoulder. Repeat it on the left side. Bend the neck forward and touch the chest with the chin, and bend backwards. Rotate the neck in circular motion after completing the neck exercises. Keep the right palm on the right side of the head (above the ear) and press the head towards the palm. Press the head and palm against each other to cause a sort of vibration. Repeat on the left side. Do this four to five times for relief. Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it on the backside of the head. Press the head and palms against each other as mentioned above. Keep the head and neck straight while practicing this. The vibration caused due to this will be beneficial for the neck and for blood circulation in that area.
Yoga Asans (pose) relieve Back Ache are:
Locust pose- 3 times, Cobra pose- 2 times , Aeroplane pose- 3 times , Half wind releasing pose (twice each side), Wind releasing pose(full once) ,Roll your body left and right side in full wind releasing pose but head should be touching the floor(Do this 10 times), Child pose (sitting)-1 min ,Cat pose- twice both dynamically and statically.
Yoga Asans (pose) relieve Neck Ache are:
Preparation: Sit in the chair with back-straight and feet firm on the floor and hands on thighs or knees.
Exercises for neck:
Bend your neck, backward and look towards the roof/sky. Hold the neck for count of 5 and bring the neck & head in normal\starting position .This exercise can be done 10 times.
Inhale, Bend your head left, try to touch ear with shoulder, hold for 5 counts and exhale, take the head in normal starting position. Practice this exercise for 5 times in left side and 5 times in left side.
Inhale, turn the head left, hold for 5 count and during hold try to look as balanced as possible. Practice this exercise for 5 times left and 5 times right side.
Half backward rotation of head clockwise and anti-clockwise with eyes open (for 10 times).
Yoga for the Back - How Can Yoga Help Deal with Common Back Injuries
How it feels to have a stroke
Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another. 5 Tibetan Energy Rejuvenation Rites
We've been practicing, teaching and recommending the 5 Tibetan Energy Rejuvenation Exercises since 1998. You can do the whole routine in 15 minutes and only need enough floor space for your body while laying down and enough air space for your arms to be outstretched.
The Warm Up Apana - The second of the vital airs. The first is prana the life force energy. Apana `deals with that which is expelled or secreted from the physical body. It deals with the secretions and circulations through the Saturn chakra and the physical changes they bring to the body including raising energy. VISUDDA-The Throat Lotus Chakra - Visudda Chakra is found at the throat at the base of the neck flanked by the collar bone. It is associated with the throat, ears, thyroid and parathyroid It's element is ether, and it's color is most frequently though of as royal blue. (Lapis Lingus - (Azurite) or Lapis Lazuli is often worn for healing at the throat chakra This is the chakra of truth. Chakras
The spine and the human energy field contain chakras, or energy centers, that vibrate at different frequencies. Each chakra presents us with the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy a deep soul desire. Each frequency holds the gift of a certain power, which enhances our human experience on Planet Earth. As we tune into this power, we are internally empowered to deal with the specific life challenges of that energy center or chakra and as a consequence to live more whole, meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10.chapter 87. Text 18 Among the followers of the methods set forth by great sages, those with less refined vision worship the Supreme as present in the region of the abdomen, while the Arunis worship Him as present in the heart, in the subtle center from which all the pranic channels emanate. From there, O unlimited Lord, these worshipers raise their consciousness upward to the top of the head, where they can perceive You directly. Then, passing through the top of the head toward the supreme destination, they reach that place from which they will never again fall to this world, into the mouth of death.
The superior yogis known as Arunis, on the other hand, worship the Supersoul in His form as the indwelling companion of the jiva in the heart, the Lord who endows His dependent with the power of knowledge and inspires him with all varieties of practical intelligence. And just as the physical heart is the center of blood circulation, so the subtle heart-cakra is the crossroads of numerous channels of prana, called nadis, which extend outward to all parts of the body. When these passageways have been sufficiently purified, the Aruni yogis can leave the heart region and go upward to the cakra at the roof of the brain. Yogis who leave their bodies through this cakra, the brahma-randhra, go directly to the kingdom of God, from which they need never return to be reborn. Thus even the unsure process of meditational yoga can bear the fruit of pure devotion if it is followed perfectly. Sat - (Yoga): Definition Sat - Topic:Yoga - Online Encyclopedia. ... The Sat-Cakra-Narupana, one of the earliest text on nadis and chakra, explicitally refer to these three
Nadi (yoga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nadis are not nerves but rather channels for the flow of consciousness. The literal meaning of nadi is'flow'. Just as the negative and positive forces of ...
The Illustrated Tibetian Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol and ... (CU 8.6.6)[1]� Nadis are not nerves but rather channels ... In this way the living entity is bound up. ... Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 Chapter 9 Verse 2 ... Bhaktivinoda Thakur gives a simple summary of the eightfold yoga path or raja-yoga in Prema-pradipa. Pranayama purifies the nerves (kumbhaka takes three months). ... It is easy to engage the mind and senses in spiritual activities, however, ... Bhakti Yoga is a process of the heart and soul � and is, therefore, ... Consciousness (ISKCON), referred to bhakti-yoga as the 'topmost yoga system
THE PURIFICATION OF THE NADIS Nadis refer to the channels in the astral body, and Tantra Shastras say that there are 72,000 of them, and some even say that there are 350,000. We're "born" with impure nadis because of the attachments, desires and karmas carried over from previous lives. So we could say that the attachments and karmas constitute the "impurities", which need to be removed. Perhaps we can liken the nadis to the nervous system in the physical we could say that nadis are "astral nerves".
Sattva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A satvic individual can be recognized if his mind, speech and actions synchronize. Manasa, vacha, karmana are the three Sanskrit words used to describe such ...
Sattvic diet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A sattvic diet, also referred to as a yoga diet or sentient diet, is a diet based on foods which, according to Ayurveda and Yoga, are strong in the sattva ... The traditional sattvic diet - See also - References - External links
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Text 10
prayana-kale manasacalena bhaktya yuktoyoga-balena caiva bhruvor madhye pranam avesya samyak sa tam param purusam upaiti divyam
prayana-kale--at the time of death; manasa--by the mind; acalena--without its being deviated; bhaktya--in full devotion; yuktah--engaged; yoga-balena--by the power of mystic yoga; ca--also; eva--certainly; bhruvoh--the two eyebrows; madhye--between; pranam--the life air; avesya--establishing; samyak--completely; sah--he; tam--that; param--transcendental; purusam--Personality of Godhead; upaiti--achieves; divyam--in the spiritual kingdom.
One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Purport
In this verse it is clearly stated that at the time of death the mind must be fixed in devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For those practiced in yoga, it is recommended that they raise the life force between the eyebrows (to the ajna-cakra). The practice of sat-cakra-yoga, involving meditation on the six cakras, is suggested here. A pure devotee does not practice such yoga, but because he is always engaged in Krisna consciousness, at death he can remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead by His grace. This is explained in verse fourteen.
The particular use of the word yoga-balena is significant in this verse because without practice of yoga--whether sat-cakra-yoga or bhakti-yoga--one cannot come to this transcendental state of being at the time of death. One cannot suddenly remember the Supreme Lord at death; one must have practiced some yoga system, especially the system of bhakti-yoga. Since one's mind at death is very disturbed, one should practice transcendence through yoga during one's life.
Text 11
yad aksaram veda-vido vadanti visanti yad yatayo vita-ragah yad icchanto brahmacaryam caranti tat te padam sangrahena pravaksye
yat--that which; aksaram--syllable om; veda-vidah--persons conversant with the Vedas; vadanti--say; visanti--enter; yat--in which; yatayah--great sages; vita-ragah--in the renounced order of life; yat--that which; icchantah--desiring; brahmacaryam--celibacy; caranti--practice; tat--that; te--unto you; padam--situation; sangrahena--in summary; pravaksye--I shall explain.
Persons who are learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I shall now briefly explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation.
Lord Sri Krisna has recommended to Arjuna the practice of sat-cakra-yoga, in which one places the air of life between the eyebrows. Taking it for granted that Arjuna might not know how to practice sat-cakra-yoga, the Lord explains the process in the following verses. The Lord says that Brahman, although one without a second, has various manifestations and features. Especially for the impersonalists, the aksara, or omkara--the syllable om--is identical with Brahman. Krisna here explains the impersonal Brahman, in which the renounced order of sages enter.
In the Vedic system of knowledge, students, from the very beginning, are taught to vibrate om and learn of the ultimate impersonal Brahman by living with the spiritual master in complete celibacy. In this way they realize two of Brahman's features. This practice is very essential for the student's advancement in spiritual life, but at the moment such brahmacari (unmarried celibate) life is not at all possible. The social construction of the world has changed so much that there is no possibility of one's practicing celibacy from the beginning of student life. Throughout the world there are many institutions for different departments of knowledge, but there is no recognized institution where students can be educated in the brahmacari principles. Unless one practices celibacy, advancement in spiritual life is very difficult. Therefore Lord Caitanya has announced, according to the scriptural injunctions for this Age of Kali, that in this age no process of realizing the Supreme is possible except the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krisna: Hare Krisna, Hare Krisna, Krisna Krisna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
Text 12
sarva-dvarani samyamya mano hrdi nirudhya ca murdhny adhayatmanah pranam asthito yoga-dharanam
sarva-dvarani--all the doors of the body; samyamya--controlling; manah--the mind; hrdi--in the heart; nirudhya--confining; ca--also; murdhni--on the head; adhaya--fixing; atmanah--of the soul; pranam--the life air; asthitah--situated in; yoga-dharanam--the yogic situation.
The yogic situation is that of detachment from all sensual engagements. Closing all the doors of the senses and fixing the mind on the heart and the life air at the top of the head, one establishes himself in yoga.
To practice yoga as suggested here, one first has to close the doors of all sense enjoyment. This practice is called pratyahara, or withdrawing the senses from the sense objects. The sense organs for acquiring knowledge--the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch--should be fully controlled and should not be allowed to engage in self-gratification. In this way the mind focuses on the Super soul in the heart, and the life force is raised to the top of the head. In the Sixth Chapter this process is described in detail. But as mentioned before, this practice is not practical in this age. The best process is Krisna consciousness. If one is always able to fix his mind on Krisna in devotional service, it is very easy for him to remain in an undisturbed transcendental trance, or in samadhi.
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Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6: Sankhya-yoga There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogi, O Arjuna, if one eats too much, .... And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith.
Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 6: Knowledge of the Absolute, Text 47. And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me ... It is by great fortune that one comes to Krsna consciousness on the path.
Athato Brahma Jijnasa - now is the time to inquire about the ... Therefore, Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam: "The ultimate purpose of reading Vedas is to know Me." ...
The Art of chanting Hare Krishna � Iskcon Klang � �Simple at heart� Jun 25, 2009 ... While chanting the holy names-Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare .... Only by faith, devotion, and constant chanting can one realize the greatness of shri-nama. In this dark age of Kali, krishna-nama is the easiest, quickest, ... Within this mantra are the siddha-rupa of the Supreme Lord ...
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - ISKCON Hillsboro His only written work is His Shikshastaka, or "Eight Instructions," a concise ... I will chant the holy names of the Lord. I will taste the sweet mellows of My own ... "In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to ... he became very pleased and mentally began decorating the way there. ...
Harinama: Holy Name of the Lord - VEDA - Vedas and Vedic Knowledge ... Only the faithful are eligible to chant the omnipotent holy name ... With the advent of the present age, Kali-yuga, Lord Krsna saw the dreadful condition of ...