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OASIS Online

OASIS is Owatonna Area Support of Individual Schools

"the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith"

1 Timothy 1:5

Welcome! OASIS Online is provided as a source of information to homeschool families in Owatonna, Minnesota. OASIS does not necessarily support all activities or information published on OASIS Online. Individual families should use their own discretion when choosing activities.

Homeschool Catalogs, Websites, and Resources

All About OASIS

OASIS - Statement of Faith

OASIS Information

2000-2001 Calander

Michelle's Top Picks * Great Web Sites!

For those of you who are interested in putting together your own lesson planners, here is a great idea; Use some of the forms (or design your own) from the following website and then take it to the printer and have them spiral bind your lesson planner with all the forms in one place. This website has report cards and more for all your homeschool needs.

Homeschool Forms

Need a good book list with a classical approach, they are divided by grade level here!

1000 Good Books List

Those of you with elementary age children will LOVE this one, full of worksheets and helps to make learning fun!

ABC Teach

Get all the answers and help you need here, Homeschool Guide

Minnesota's own state homeschool organization


Homeschool Legal Defense


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Little House on the Prairie Homepage
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