Who was Lance sitting with? WHY was JC with Mommy Crunkness? WHY was Joey with JANINE??? Why were Britney and Justin in a different section then them at first?
JC in fur is a VERY SCARY site, and I hate it. Ew. I was crying. Joey in a KISS shirt.. niiiice. Did ya'll see Stever on the preshow? I saw him twice, Steve power, I hate Steve.
During This I Promise You, I noticed Lance's shirts had "LB" on the pocket.. rofl, how cute his initials. That whole Bye Bye Bye thing scared the living SHIT out of me. And Its Gonna Be Me: WOW.
"That's all I have to say about that."
JC is so creepy. When they got the first award and he said that quote, I almost cried. He's just scary. Joey is like WAY hot. Watch him during the IGBM dance, if you can take your eyes off Justin. I couldn't, it was hard, Justin is a Sexy Bitch.
JC looks like a scary spaghetti noodle with he skinny gyrating hips freaking on that chick. Wonder why they didn't show Chris? I've never seen him gyrate ever. When Justy looks at those 2 girls assess all close up, I want to rape him. lol
Christina's performance was GREAT, I loved the Fred Durst thing.. that was really cool, her voice sounded kinda crappy, but I read there is something wrong with her throat.
Nice outfit award goes to: Britneys Performance
Back to our boyfriends. Holy Shit. That was amazing... I didn't really like that "1,2,3,4" thing.. all I could think of was the old Coolio song "1,2,3,4 get yo woman on the floor"
When the music stopped and Joey was like "hold up, i cant take this" or whatever he said.. I can't remember.. I was like "cuz I'm a fatty" and it was really funny, I said it outloud, I guess you had to be here.
Read Kate's review of the VMA's.