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about usimpactstestimonieseventsinvitationse-mail

Thank you for your interest in inviting us we want to be a blessing for your city.
As of now we give all of the glory to our Lord Jesus for what He is going to do!
In this page you can get to know what is required in the organization of an evangelistic
campaign and in what form you need to invite us.

You can send us e-mail with your name and address and the date that you would
like to have the crusade at the address:
attention brother Emerson Morales and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

It is important to mention that the Lord is calling us to unity (John17:21) and because of
that we suggest that you unite in an evangelistic vision with other Christian churches, we
recommend at least 3. As a means of unity in diffusion in the crusades we have opted for
naming them all the same in all of the cities and nations where we are invited. The name is
IMPACT, and from there we add the name of the city and the year we are in, for example:
"Impact Monterrey 99".

For the year 2000 the crusades are 4 days long we recommend

1.That you form an executive committee consisting of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 Auxiliaries.
2.That you put together the following commissions: Intercession, counselors, ushers, conservation of the results or discipleship, publicity, finances, security, logistics, liberation, literature, praise and worship, sound testimonies, official video, public relations, children's ministry and backdrops or scenery.
3.Determine what mass communication you will use in the crusade. We strongly recommend using television as your principal means of broadcast as it is the means of greatest coverage.
4.For publicity for the campaign it is suggested that you use newspapers morning and late editions, radio, TV fliers, posters and billboards.
5.We recommend doing an activity for the youth, women, and businessmen in separately the last day of the crusade in the morning.
6.We recommend a meeting for the pastors the second day of the campaign in the morning.
7. We recommend the following setup:

Recommendations for the sound equipment.

A.Use any of the following sound systems: Meyer Sound, Turbo Sound, Apogee, JBL, and Peavey.
B.Crown amplifier 2400w or 1200 (considering the size of the location).
C.A console with at least 36 channels. (Soundcraft, Yamaha, Mackie), rack with compressors, equalizer, deck, CD etc. and snake.
D. Shure microphones SM-57and SM58. For the speaker we recommend a wireless (for easy of movement).
E.Monitors for the musicians and the speaker on both platforms.
