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The Power of God is amazing; what is most marvelous is that we have seen more than 80,000
gives the lives to Jesus in the last 8 crusades, this is the greatest miracle we can see.

This is an amazing case of the power of God, that happened in Zacatecas, Mexico, as we prayed for the sick, a mother brought as her son (aprox. 9 years old) who had lost his right eye, God did a miracle and changed his glass eye for a real eye. Glory to God!
This is the case of a young girl of 20,
it happened in Monterrey as 20,000 prayed
and worshiped the Lord. God lifted her up
from her wheelchair for the first time in
her life she began to walk.

This man had been in a wheelchair for 3
years also his right arm was immobile and
couldn't speak, that night of October 1998
God did the miracle and he stood up in front
of the t.v. cameras and thousands of people,
walk to the platform where he said a word:

When you see a child with many orthopedic
devices it touch your heart, but it touches
you more when you see her get rid of their
forever. This was a case of this girl in
Monterrey Mexico.
