MIA #9: Ajare
Featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela
Set between Face of Evil and Robots of Death
Chapter 1: The Collectors
written by Renton Patrick (renton@juno.com)
Chapter 2: Our Lady of Pain
written by Russ Massey (russ@wriding.demon.co.uk)
Chapter 3: Hints and Allegations
written by Tony Whitt (supremedalek@earthlink.net)
Chapter 4: Going Underground
written by Greg McCambley (ea161@freenet.carleton.ca)
Chapter 5: Syzygy
written by Gregg Smith (eng6gcgs@lucs-02.novell.leeds.ac.uk)
Chapter 6: Margins of Terror
written by John Seavey (seav0004@tc.umn.edu)
Chapter 7: When is a Door Not a Door?
written by Brad Trechak (LordBPT@aol.com)
Chapter 8: You Didn't *Ask*
written by Paul Gadzikowski (scarfman@iglou.com)
Chapter 9: God Sorts it Out
written by Ian McIntire (imm@cwru.edu)
Chapter 10: Deep Breaths, Everyone....
written by Ed Matuskey (xavier@wolfenet.com)
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Company
written by Greg McCambley (ea161@freenet.carleton.ca)
Chapter 12: A Very Special Arrival or The Day the Plot Stood Still
written by Paul Benson (benson_paul@hotmail.com)
Chapter 13: Echec et mat, Docteur
written by Michelle Lee Stone (angel-dog@webtv.net)
Great job, everybody! I think we did a great job of getting that Season 14 feeling going in this story, so that it really meshes with the stories around it. Remember, be here in one week for the final chapter of MIA #10 - Riding the Currents.