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  The Wilkinsons

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9/29/02: The shows in Keshena were awesome! Got lots of great pics for ya'll. The Wilkinsons are still looking for a label. They've taken the time off to hang out with friends and go on vacations. Tyler is looking forward to doing something with his life, but might wait a year or two before he goes to college. Amanda had a blast this summer hanging out with her friends and boyfriend. Their friend Tebey Ottoh just got signed to a record label so be on the look out for him. I met him in Keshena, nice guy. They sang a new song, I don't remember the name of it. Steve wrote it for Amanda, and it's about growing up. It's really cute, she talks to her brother and dad in the song. My friend Michelle and I made a Wilkinson community. We thought it would be a cool place for all of us fans to chat, since the official board has been down for quite some time. Besides a message board we have a chatroom, and photo albums where you can share your favorite Wilkinson pics. Join today, lets get all the fans together! Go to to check it out and while you're there join! That's about it for now.
9/14/02: The Wilkinsons are currently without a record deal. A few months ago, right before the release of the new album the Wilkinsons were told the deal was off unless Amanda went solo with them. Amanda said no, because she likes singing with the family. So now Steve, Tyler, and Amanda are shopping around for a new label. There are negotations with one to release an acoustic album, we'll keep you posted on that. I for one am proud of Amanda. It just wouldn't be the same without dad and brother too. In other news Amanda and Tyler both chopped off their hair. Amanda's is a little longer than chin length, back to the normal brown color and it looks adorable. Tyler's is real short, almost buzzed, back to his normal color, and with it he's sporting prescription black framed glasses. Seems they're both going for a 70's look. In 6 days I'll be seeing the gang in Keshena, Wisconsin with some friends so I'll definately get some new pics for ya'll. This time I have front row for both shows so we'll have lots of good pics! Tyler graduated from Trenton High on June 28th, and is thinking about going to college for merchandising. That would be cool, best of luck to him.
6/17/02: Sorry it took so long for me to update. Winstock was awesome! I had a blast seeing the gang again, and the interview? That was so much fun! Steve, Tyler, and Amanda are great people to sweet and fun! You can read the transcript, or you can even listen to the interview. Go to the Words site for details because it is a Word exclusive. Only got about a roll of pictures, because I wasn't able to go up into VIP so I had to stand off to the side of the stage...I was only about 50 feet back so I was fairly close, just not close enough to waste a lot of film lol. I did find out a bunch of news for ya'll, but that will also be in the Word so if you aren't a member email today and join. Until next time!
6/4/02: Did you all catch the Wilkinsons on the Opry? They sounded great! First show they sang "Nobody Died" and another new one called "Happy". Nobody Died is a ballad about the world today, sung by Amanda. Happy is an uptempo song about getting over a broken heart, also sung by Amanda. The second show they dug out 26 Cents and Jimmy. It should be up in the WSM archives soon for all of you that missed it, or just want to hear the song again. Lyrics are on the choir page. 4 days until I see the Wilkinsons at Winstock! It's gonna be awesome, I can't wait! If I'm able to get up into VIP I'll take lots of pics for ya'll. As for the interview with them, check the Word newsletter for that cuz that's a Word exclusive!
5/31/02: The Wilkinsons will be on the Opry tomorrow nite (Saturday, June 1st). They will be on the 8:30-9 show and the 11:30-midnite show. That is central time. Log onto and listen in! They'll probably be singing the new single "Nobody Died" so it's definately worth checking out :0)
5/16/02: I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is the Wilkinsons have cancelled the IFCO show, no word yet if they will have a booth at fan fair or not but there wil also be no fan club party. The good news is the Wilkinsons new single "Nobody Died" hits radio May 27th! So get ready to request it and lets get the Wilkinsons back on the air where they belong. I will be seeing the gang June 8th at a local country festival (Winstock), so I will hopefully get some new pics (not sure because the front section is all VIP and we only have general admission but I may have a way up there). Not sure how many of you are in my friends and I's Wilkinson newsletter, the Word but if you are you'll be getting an update...I'm interviewing the Wilkinsons for it! So I'll be getting some kind of pass which I'm hoping will also get me up front for the show, so I can get some great concert pics. In other news Tyler will be graduating June 28th, and he's really excited but he's not sure if he's going to do the formal thing and go back to his high school for graduation or not. They are however having a party for him. (Please don't go posting about the formal graduation part on your websites because Tyler told me this himself thanks).
4/30/02: On a sad note the Wilkinsons did not win the Juno. The Juno Awards were held on April 15th in New Foundland Canada. The Wilkinsons were up for Best Country Artist/Group but lost out to Carolyn Dawn Johnson. Congratulations go to Steve, Amanda, and Tyler for being nominated because even being nominated is a huge honor. Good news for all you Fan Fair goers. The Wilkinsons have confirmed! They will be at the IFCO show Tuesday June 11th at Ryman Auditorium (for tickets call 615-371-9596 and be sure to tell them you're a Wilkinson fan). Then from June 13th-16th they will be signing autographs at their very own booth at Fan Fair. Be sure to stop by and say hi, get a picture signed if you're attending Fan Fair. Thursday June 13th they will also be participating in the City of Hope softball game. For tickets to that and Fan fair visit No word on if there is going to be a Fan Club Party yet, but we will definitely keep you all posted. The new single, titled "Nobody Died" is set for release sometime in early May. The album is slated for an early summer release. The Wilkinsons already have all the singles picked out for the album or so we hear. That's it for now, but if we hear more we'll definitely post it.
1/3/02: Early December had The Wilkinsons off in Japan performing for our troops. Late December had them performing and chatting with patients in a local Nashville area hospital. Talk about sweethearts :0) In other news they will be performing on the Grand Ole Opry tomorrow and Saturday nite. Saturday nite's show will be televised on CMT at 7 pm central so check it out. Tomorrow nite, be sure to be online at 8 pm central and log onto to chat with The Wilkinsons! Steve hopes to release Shine in some shape or form in the US and Canada sometime soon. They have been working on some new material for their new album for RCA, due out sometime this year. Look for a single from it to be out soon. Tyler's horse had a colt, named Willow Dakota.