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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 13: Packing Up

"I can't believe this vacation has ended so soon." Chris says with a sigh

"Yeah, I know it's flown by. But it'll be good to get back in the studio." Steve replies

"Yeah it will. I can't wait to write some new songs." Amanda replies with a smile

"You mean love songs about Brian? Don't you already have tons of those?" Tyler replies with a smirk

"Very funny! You should talk! All I ever hear about these last few days is Crystal this, Crystal that." Amanda replies with a grin

"Enough you two. Let's get the rest of this stuff packed. Where's Kiaya?" Chris intervenes

"Right here mom!" Kiaya comes in pulling her little purple suitcase behind her

"Let's get on the road then." Steve replies and off they head in the tour bus towards Nashville discussing song ideas.

It's nearly 3 am before they pull into Nashville and all are sleeping peacefully. They arise early the next morning and head to the studio, eager to get to work.

"Let's try that again with a B string." DT suggests

"I'm having deja vu, are you too?" Amanda sings into the mike as Steve strums guitar and Tyler looks on waiting his turn to sing.

"Much better." Tyler says with a grin and they proceed to sing "Somewhere Before" all the way through a few more times before they get it just right and take a break.

"What do you guys think the first single should be?" Steve asks

"Outside Providence." Amanda replies

"Yeah, Outside Providence." Tyler agrees

"Hmmm...yeah that's a good one. What do you think DT?" Steve grins

"I really like that one. It'll appeal to a wide range of people. We'll see what the record execs have to say." DT replies

"Let's have Amanda record vocals on Somewhere Before. I think we can get that song done today if we work a little late." a record exec suggests

"Alright, cool. I'm ready!" Amanda smiles and goes back to the mike

An hour later the vocals to the song are done and Steve works on the instruments with some studio musicians as Tyler and Amanda take a break.

Go on to Chapter 14