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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 17: Online


Vanessa: It's about time! Where ya been girl?"

Tracey: Sorry, I was at the mall with the gang. And yesterday The Wilks went back to Nashville so we spent part of the day with them.

Vanessa: Oh it's okay. I've just missed talking to ya.

Tracey: Aww yeah, me too. Well now that they're gone I'll be on a lot! *smiles sadly to herself*

Vanessa: Awwww, so what's up?

Tracey: Not much. Looking forward to the cruise?"

Meanwhile *Ding* another im flashes on the screen

Tyler: Hey, how's it goin'?

Tracey: Pretty good, you?

Tyler: Fine.

Tracey: Just fine?

Tyler: Yeah

Tracey: Something wrong?

Tyler: Yeah

Tracey: Wanna talk about it?

Tyler: I think Crystal wants to break up.

Tracey: Oh no, I'm so sorry...what happened?


Vanessa: Yeah, I'm psyched!

Tracey: Yeah me too...Uh I better talk to you later. Tyler just came online and he's pretty upset about something. Nite binks!

Vanessa: Okie, nite nite Jar Jar palsa!


Tyler: She called and said she wanted to go to a dance with some guy at school this Friday.

Tracey: Just like that? That's kinda harsh.

Tyler: Well no...she asked where we stood and said there was a guy she kinda liked at her school and he'd asked her to the dance. I asked if she wanted to go and she said yeah but only if nothings going to happen between me and her.

Tracey: What did you say?

Tyler: I said I don't know...I told her to go to the dance and have fun and she said she will and hung up.

Tracey: Awwww man, I'm sorry. Do you want her to go?

Tyler: No but she's not really my girlfriend so I can't tell her that.

Tracey: She isn't? I thought she was.

Tyler: No...well I've got to finish up some homework. Thanks for listening to me.

Tracey: No problem. Hope I helped. Bye.

Tracey sighs to herself as her dad comes home and wants the computer.

On to Chapter 18