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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 2: Tracey's House

Tracey {Tyler's best friend }, Lauren {Tracey's best friend } , Mel {Amanda's good friend), Brian {Amanda's boyfriend }, and Danielle {Kiaya's best friend} are busy watching the broadcast of "Win a date with Tyler Wilkinson" on MTV. They were all at Tracey's house to see it and they were getting more and more aggravated with the Tyler-crazed fans.

Tracey: Oh My Gosh! He breathes! Wow! { acting as though she was Fan #1 } If I win this. I don't know what I'll do. {thinks} Probably make the rest of Tyler's life a living hell, that is if I can stop giggling enough to say one word! {giggles}

Mel: Seriously, I mean come on. Its just Tyler. { shakes her head }

Lauren: Next thing ya know she'll bring out a purple bikini top and Tyler will be wearing it on his head.

Brian: This is pathetic, I don't know why they can't do a show like this with Amanda. I mean, come on, she's cuter than Tyler any day.

Danielle: Brain, duh! First of all you're a guy, second of all, Amanda already has a boyfriend, that'd be you. Or did you forget?

Mel: Shush, you guys, I want to hear this.

Tracey: Ah, this is too easy, that last girl she's already out. Her personality is like wood. She's too nervous to think straight. I'm going with Fan #1, but it'll be close.

{Silence fills room as Carson asks the last question}

Lauren: Look at Fan #3 I think she needs to phone-a- friend or something.

Carson: And Ashley you've won the date with Tyler Wilkinson.

Brian: Goodness, someone call an ambulance, she's going to have an anxiety attack. Get off the stage dumb girl, I want to see this concert.

Tracey: Brian calm down alright! What are they thinking, Fan #1, she is so not Tyler's type.

Danielle: Ha ha! Can you imagine the jokes Amanda and Steve have got going back there? They're probably making faces at Tyler right now!

Mel: Tracey, I have to agree she's too bubbly, hopefully I never have to meet her, I'd smack her with your light saber before she could say one word to me.

Carson: There you have it. This pretty young lady just won herself a date with Tyler. Tyler have anything to say about this?

Tyler: {blushes} Hi Mom!!

Carson: There you have it! Stay tuned to see The Wilkinson's see one of their hits right here on MTV and be sure to stop by the Wilkinson's concert tomorrow nite in Ontario! TV Screen flashes to commercial.

Go to Chapter 3