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In-Depth Discussion of
Chinese Information Technology

A. Information Tech Sites:

Chinese Computing Resources Used by Chinese Characters
Internal Code
Sorting & Ranking Characters, SEARCHING
Chinese Computing
What is the difference between English and Chinese in computing?
GeoStroke Chinese Inputting Made Easy

Ideographic Languages

KEYBOARDs of Traditional & Simplified Chinese
Beijing, HK, Taipei Discussion Boards
Simplified vs. Traditional Chinese
Only 340 (approx.) Simplified Characters Need Special Attention !

Computing Technology (Hardware)
Information Technology (Software)

Text in Chinese is at the bottom.

B. Current Situation:

CODE - HexaDecimal System
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F)
GB and Big-5 both

Internal-Code Examples :

C475 ACF9 BFAB   Traditional Character (Big-5)
Taiwan, HK, Overseas Chinese, ...

F1BC D4BC BAB2   Simplified Character (GB)

Three same characters have completely different
"internal codes" in two systems.

(Characters are listed by number of strokes)
HexaDecimal Code is imposed on arbitrarily to each character,
GB and Big-5 both. (each limited to its own selected ones)

Name or item in Chinese can
NOT be sorted, ranked, or searched.

Without these important features
Chinese computer is badly crippled.

INPUT CODE Examples :

(I) Big-5 Radical Method & Phonetic Method:
CheongChi -
ZuYin -
(II) GB Radical Method & Phonetic Method:
WuBi -
PinYin -

Radical Problems

(III) Stroke / Digital Method for Big-5 & GB:
GeoStroke, CKC, .....
GBK Cross-Reference List Oriented,
for Simplified Chinese only,


CODE - Binary System
(0 1)
GB, Big-5, KanJi, HanJa

Binary Code is imposed on arbitrarily to each character.
All kinds of possibly different writings, styles, ... are available
internationally, no ONE country can control the list.


A   0000 0000 0100 0001
B   0000 0000 0100 0010
C   0000 0000 0100 0011

1   0000 0000 0011 0001
5   0000 0000 0011 0101

Chinese Character
Sky   0101 1001 0010 1001
Ground   0101 0101 0111 0000

Name or item in Chinese can
NOT be sorted, ranked, or searched.

Even use UNICODE as "internal code",
Chinese computer is still badly crippled.

Without another layer of INPUT CODE, unicode has no practical usage.

GBK or GeoStroke can be added as

CheongChi, WuBi, ..., ZuYin, PinYin, GBK, or GeoStroke
can be added as INPUT CODE.


When UNICODE is used, Chinese character is at
same footing as English alphabet, all 2 bytes,
consuming same amount of "computing resource"
when displayed on a screen.


Chinese and English are approximately the same in computing.
Since some English words have more than 10 alphabets,
all 8-digit Chinese characters may have small advantage
when UNICODE is used.


Chinese and English are roughly the same in hi-speed transmitting
when UNICODE is used, same reason as above.

D. Numeric Codes (Decimal System) for Chinese Characters:

GBK :   4-digit Code   Only a limited number of
Character Codes allowed.

Coded "simplified characters" are partly positioned in the series (list)
roughly according to "SOUND" (hi-freq-used characters),
partly positioned in the series according to "radical of character"
(rare-used characters).

Name or item in Chinese can
NOT be sorted, ranked, or searched.

Even use GBK as "internal code",
Chinese computer is still badly crippled.

Users will have great difficulties to use GBK
using a long cross-reference list,
do it character by character?

SBSM :   6-digit Code   More Character Codes allowed.

Characters' positioning (All arbitrarily?)

Used as an INPUT CODE (HOW ?)

GeoStroke :   8-digit Code   A sufficient number of
Character Codes allowed.

RELATIONSHIP - The Numeric Code and Character
are closely tighted together
, the
character itself can tell its own CODE when being seen.

Coded Simplified or Traditional Characters are
exactly positioned in the series
by strokes uniformly throughout the text.

When GeoStroke is used
as "internal code, like GBK"
sorting, ranking, or SEARCHING
all can be done
in the same fashion as English.

Chinese computer is no longer crippled.

STROKEs give
professional USERs ±M·~¨Ï¥Î¤H

rich "information" uniformly,
leading INPUTTING step by step.

For casual USERs ¤@¯ë¨Ï¥Î¤H,
a simple & easy
4-digit code is recommended.

"±Mªù¾·~" ¨Ï¥Î
Professionals, click here please.

The above Chinese IT site list is specially prepared
for those very few on the mainland who believe Chinese
is inferior to English, want to Latinize Chinese.
Entropy   IT
And, those worldwide who have further interest on this subject.

Since April 20, 2004